Rangz of the Kangz Shills Claim Very Concept of Lore and Canon is Pure Cisheterofascism

Esquire: It’s the best of times and the worst of times to be a fan. For devotees of mega-franchises like Star Wars and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there’s never been a more massive glut of new content. We’re living through a golden age of interconnected storytelling, as sequels and prequels explode across film, television, and literature faster than many of us can keep up. Yet at the same time, these mega-franchises are tormented by their most strident fans, melting down into paroxysms of toxicity through petitions, review bombing, and targeted harassment campaigns, among other odious tactics. Toxic fandom is a complex beast, but at the … Continue reading Rangz of the Kangz Shills Claim Very Concept of Lore and Canon is Pure Cisheterofascism