Genocidal Hitler Worshipping Quebec Nine Year Olds Racially Humiliate Cree Woman Before Accusing her of Arson

CBC: A Cree woman says she felt sadness, shock and fear after having racist remarks and threats yelled at her for several minutes – A lot of times I make fun of the anti-White pedo brigade crybullying about things, but it’s important not to get carried away. I’ll never deny that a woman can feel threatened by a gang of tattoo’d men in their late teens early twenties armed with pistols shouting at her. I think the – from a group of elementary school students in Chibougamau, in northern Quebec.  They were totally unarmed as well. I know wahmens aren’t … Continue reading Genocidal Hitler Worshipping Quebec Nine Year Olds Racially Humiliate Cree Woman Before Accusing her of Arson