Writer’s Strike: Clueless Sarah Silverheeb Seethes at Workers Guild over Scab Product

For the backstory on the Writer’s Strike, go here, and here. In short, I’ve never met a group of people that I wanted to see crushed by Jew capital, except for them. Biz Pac Review: As previously reported, the Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) union is currently striking due to an inability to reach a new streaming contract with major Hollywood studios. However, according to reports, SAG-AFTRA is still greenlighting independently produced films. Silverman isn’t happy about this. “I feel f–king pissed off, and I know I just must not be understanding something. There … Continue reading Writer’s Strike: Clueless Sarah Silverheeb Seethes at Workers Guild over Scab Product