Feel Good Story of the Year: Minnesota BLM Activist Demands Total Carjacker-American Death After being Personally Victimized

Yesterday I had to break the horrible news that, while they had been inconvenienced, only one Burning Man attendee had died. I know, we were all heartbroken. However, God has rewarded our faith, and sent Youth-Americans to violently beat and carjack a brown lesbian anti-White BLM activist almost to death right in front of her children. Andy Ngo Twitter: @Shivanthi Sathanandan, the vice chair for the Democrat Party @MinnesotaDFL in Minnesota, virulently advocated for the dismantling of the Minneapolis Police Department even as neighborhoods in the city were burned to the ground by #BLM–#Antifa rioters. Now, she has come forward … Continue reading Feel Good Story of the Year: Minnesota BLM Activist Demands Total Carjacker-American Death After being Personally Victimized