Pedophobes Bristle as Minor Attracted Perverts March for Equal Rights

Reduxx: Reduxx has learned that members of a German pro-pedophilia group were present and demonstrating during one of Europe’s largest Pride celebrations in Cologne. According to a post on the website K13online, members of the pedophile community called Krumme-13 congregated at the parade, colloquially known as Christopher Street Day (CSD), on July 2, and displayed a flag representing “minor-attracted persons” pride. It hasn’t been long enough since my precious neo-vagina was exposed to the vicious pedophobia of the Trans Exclusionary Radical Pedophobes, TERPs, over at Reduxx. Last time I checked in they were whining about the pedo origins of “gender identity,” with … Continue reading Pedophobes Bristle as Minor Attracted Perverts March for Equal Rights