Manhandling the Manlets: Pudgy Lowlife Loses Eight Pounds in One Week by Eating TV Dinners Alone

I’ve never watched Baked Alaska’s content before on account of not having brain damage. I vaguely remember him being a guy who did livestreaming at Charlottesville before cucking and getting out of the alt-right. Then apparently he got into the Caboi Cult just in time to get felted by weird English bugcreature Louis Theroux. Let’s see what the little guy’s up to these days. I could honest to god turn this one post into a mini series all of its own. So hyped for this meal! 😉 😉 You can eat this good too at Bistro MD fresh meals delivered … Continue reading Manhandling the Manlets: Pudgy Lowlife Loses Eight Pounds in One Week by Eating TV Dinners Alone