Florida Woman of Whiteness Calls for Holocaust of Morally Superior Doctors who want to Mutilate Children

Once again, shoutout to the Colon Report for finding this Daily Beast whinefest. Everyone make sure to follow them on telegram and Poast. Daily Beast: A candidate running for the Santa Rosa County School Board in Florida made the stunning assertion that doctors who provide sometimes life-saving gender-affirming care to LGBTQ+ youth should be lynched. At a conservative candidate forum in Navarre, Alisabeth Janai Lancaster took to a local church’s stage to spew vile anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. “These doctors that are going along with mutilating these children and prescribing hormone blockers to these kids, in my opinion, they should be hanging … Continue reading Florida Woman of Whiteness Calls for Holocaust of Morally Superior Doctors who want to Mutilate Children