TPUSA Threatens to Doxx “Natzee Leftists” who Showed up at Tampa Event

We begin this story on July 23rd, when TPUSA was throwing their Student Action Summit in Tampa, Florida. Creative Loafing Tampa: When neo-Nazis arrived holding DeSantis flags outside Turning Point USA’s Student Action Summit in Tampa, organizers of the event said they couldn’t understand why the annual gathering of conservative youths would draw such extremism. Some attendees did mental gymnastics and claimed that the groups were “feds” or “antifa” dressed up as neo-Nazis to make them look bad. But the people waving swastikas and SS symbols flags were from confirmed fascist groups in Florida, including the Goyim Defense League and the National Socialist … Continue reading TPUSA Threatens to Doxx “Natzee Leftists” who Showed up at Tampa Event