ClownWorld Overdose 4 – Rentboy Fetish Ring Salesmen, Mermaids “Investigated”, Underage Tranny Beavers, and Plays about Pedos

As I was getting ready to go through the enormous backlog of ClownWorldTopia I got the following video as an ad on YouTube. I watched the first minute with my mouth involuntarily hanging open, before looking it up. Turns out it’s a five minute long ad for diamond engagement rings. Yes, the five minute long add starring a man and his rentboy is the advertising for an engagement ring company. The picture is at least three different fetishes all rolled into one big creepy relationship. Age fetish, race fetish, culture fetish, not to mention anus fetish of course. And for … Continue reading ClownWorld Overdose 4 – Rentboy Fetish Ring Salesmen, Mermaids “Investigated”, Underage Tranny Beavers, and Plays about Pedos