Get EXCITED: Duplicitous Weasel Pierre Poilievre’s Got a Plan to Court Non-White Voters!

CBC: A young Pierre Poilievre sits in front of a room of Conservative faithful and explains their party’s strategy for winning a majority mandate. That hasn’t happened yet. It’s 2009 and while the Tories have won two federal elections, they’ve remained in minority territory for three years. “We will win a majority if we appeal to naturally conservative-inclined voters and get them out to vote, and we turn small-c conservative immigrants into big-C Conservative voters,” the MP says in a video posted to the website of the Cable Public Affairs Channel. “That’s the formula.” Since Harper’s four-year term, Conservatives have … Continue reading Get EXCITED: Duplicitous Weasel Pierre Poilievre’s Got a Plan to Court Non-White Voters!