Amazon Studios Head (((Jennifer Salke))) Shut down Conan the Barbarian show due to “Toxic Masculinity”

Fandom Wire: Amazon could have had Conan the Barbarian as a hard-hitting reply to Game of Thrones before it was scrapped. If the name sounds similar to you, then yes, this series was set to follow the same source material that was followed by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 1982 critically and commercially acclaimed movie. Unfortunately, the project moved to Netflix as Amazon Studios Head found Toxic Masculinity in the project.  Toxic Masculinity is a term I haven’t heard in about half a decade, maybe more. MeToo came along and started holocausting the (((Hollywood types))), leading to feminism getting the kibosh hard. As a result feminism … Continue reading Amazon Studios Head (((Jennifer Salke))) Shut down Conan the Barbarian show due to “Toxic Masculinity”