Gravocaust: $2.8 Billion Awarded to Random Tribes Representing Residential School “Survivors” who Miraculously Survived After No One Ever Tried to Kill Them

As a reminder, the Gravocaust Slander is the fakest shit ever. CBC: Officials announced Saturday that the federal government and 325 First Nations have agreed to settle a class-action lawsuit, seeking reparations for the loss of language and culture brought on by Indian residential schools, for $2.8 billion. I’m sure the federal government fought valiantly here. They just had to settle because the case against them was so overwhelming. Just like the prosecution in the Stephanie Warrimer case just had to not appeal the judge dismissing the charges against her murderers. We have a very serious government and a very … Continue reading Gravocaust: $2.8 Billion Awarded to Random Tribes Representing Residential School “Survivors” who Miraculously Survived After No One Ever Tried to Kill Them