I Hate the E-Right Part 1: Cyan Pillers DMV the HB10 Negging with Alpha on the Beta Yellow Pillers

I’ve written about the “Redpilled Manosphere” before, most notably when Matt Forney announced his retirement, when making fun of Andrew Anglin’s weird evo-psyche JustSo story explaining how Harvey Weinstein totally wasn’t a rapist, bro, and with the whole Jack Murphy situation. Wrapping you arms around them entirely is a bit of a challenge, but they were a loose collection of constantly online nerds who had superficially plausible theories about sexual dynamics that they never bothered trying to debunk. Probably the best examples of them – and worst offenders -were the “Pick Up Artists.” Sam Hyde made fun of them way back … Continue reading I Hate the E-Right Part 1: Cyan Pillers DMV the HB10 Negging with Alpha on the Beta Yellow Pillers