Retard Fight: Ethan “Purest of LOLcows” Ralph and Nick “Cumhunter” Fuentes End Ersatz Homosexual Marriage

Ethan Ralph and Nick Fuentes have officially changed their Facebook statuses to “single.” Fuentes was hanging in there for a while with “it’s complicated,” but undercover journalists embedded in the homosexual death cult known as Anal First, Second, and Third, have reported that Fuentes has also changed his relationship status to “single pringle,” and was seen uploading new photos to his Grindr account. Fuentes and Ralph were the internet version of the absurdly toxic real life couple who everyone knows are going to end their relationship at some point with a huge blowup. The only unknown was the precise level … Continue reading Retard Fight: Ethan “Purest of LOLcows” Ralph and Nick “Cumhunter” Fuentes End Ersatz Homosexual Marriage