I Hate the E-Right Part 10 – Keith Woods Holocausts the ADL by Tweeting with Dinesh D’Souza

Keith Woods has already saved the White Race with his srs bzns twitter activism. Today, the mad lad has done it again. We are now even more saved. The ADL has been tricked, decombobulated, and downright bamboozled by Irish Hitler. He’s full on holocausted the ADL. Millions of Jonathan Greenblatt’s shoes were found in a pile. Jonathan Greenblatt’s twitter account was locked in a room with a bear and an eagle. The bear ripped his account to pieces while the eagle gnawed at his message drafts.  It couldn’t have been done without Toel Mavis, the Australian retard who attacked Striker … Continue reading I Hate the E-Right Part 10 – Keith Woods Holocausts the ADL by Tweeting with Dinesh D’Souza