I Hate the E-Right Part 11: Andrew Tate’s One Weird Exercise to Help you Never Actually Make Gainz

I was initially going to cover the reveal of Andrew Tate’s (((benefactor))), when I got exposed to Andrew Tate’s cartoonishly dumb workout advice. I’ll still cover his (((owners))) later, but for now we take a look at the morally pure sex trafficker and lonely man exploiter’s workout guide for ten year olds with no life experience. He promises that they can get a shredded physique with Two Weird Exercises That Definitely Aren’t Retarded.  Nigger: So, if you want to do another exercise – I stress again, burpees are the most important – but if you do want to be doing … Continue reading I Hate the E-Right Part 11: Andrew Tate’s One Weird Exercise to Help you Never Actually Make Gainz