Current Events Puerto Rican Communist Eric Striker has his Wheelchair Derail Norfolk Southern Shill Town Hall Meeting with GOP Hero Bill Johnson
Consoom Product YouTube BugCreature Diagnoses the Murder of Cinema Without Mentioning Massive Box Office Failures due to Spiritual AIDS
Consoom Product Amazon Studios Head (((Jennifer Salke))) Shut down Conan the Barbarian show due to “Toxic Masculinity”
Consoom Product Cinematic Masterpiece Kangz of the Rangz Snubbed at Golden Globes, Sets all Female Directing Team for Season 2
Consoom Product Former Witcher Star and Lord of Handsomeness Henry Cavill Out from Superman, in with Warhammer
Consoom Product Rangz of the Kangz Shills Claim Very Concept of Lore and Canon is Pure Cisheterofascism
Consoom Product Fans of The Witcher Sign Petition to Have Henry Cavill Skin Lauren Hissrich Alive and then Eat her Heart