Military Russia Doubles Down on Upgrading Attack Helicopters that they won’t Fly into Battle Anyway Due to them being Bad and Having no Numbers
Courtroom Drama Coeur d’Alene: Five Patriot Front Members Convicted in Republican Stronghold of Idaho for “Conspiracy to Riot”
Covid-19 Covid19: DeShabbos Finds out No One Cares, Tucker Throws Roundtable with Republican Presidential Puppet Hopefulls
Schools AcademiaLand: Harvard Honesty Researcher Professor Francesca Gino Put on Leave for Rampant Research Dishonesty
International Russia-Ukraine: Russia Bans and Vans the Troons, Ukraine (((Leadership))) Impotently Threatens Mass Ethnic Cleansing of Russians, Summer Counteroffensive Complete Failure
e-drama Retard Fight: Ethan “Purest of LOLcows” Ralph and Nick “Cumhunter” Fuentes End Ersatz Homosexual Marriage