Activism East Palestine: WMD Liars Whine about NJP Protest, Finkled NPCs Don’t Get it, Mike DeWine Injures Footsie
Electoral Politics East Palestine: NJP Throw Bad Optics Protest at Brave Republican Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s House in Columbus and Norfolk Southern HQ in Atlanta
Electoral Politics East Palestine: Orange Faggot Showed up, Bloviated, Left, Residents Sue Norfolk Southern
Current Events Puerto Rican Communist Eric Striker has his Wheelchair Derail Norfolk Southern Shill Town Hall Meeting with GOP Hero Bill Johnson
Electoral Politics After NJP Protest, Republican Senators Pass Toothless Pretend anti-Drag Groomer Bill
Activism Exciting Times for the Irish National Party – Part 2, Sinn Fein Goes Full Globo Homo, The Burkean Infiltrates Antifa
Canada Cuck General Pierre Poilievre Makes the Conservative Case for Being Economically Destroyed by Immigration
Electoral Politics Natural Conservative Hispanic Criminal Caught Planning to Bust a Cap in the DEMONrats