Current Events Horribly Unfunny “Comedian” Patton Oswalt Cucks to Seething Trannies on “Chappelle Question”
Butthole-Left Hate Filled KKK Afficionados Show Surprising Link Between not Sending Criminals to Jail and Crime
Canada Cuckservative Q-Anon Types Make up Retarded Slander of Whiny Dipshit Canadian PM when Truth Just as Damning
Consubversatism Glorious Cuckold Gorland Blormph Heroically Cancels Jan 6th Event like a Little Bitch
JQ Oppressed Elf Supremacists at Haaretz Detail Courageous and Sexy Plot by Fellow Elves like Sarah Silverkike to Challenge HeteroCandyPeople Normativity
Anti-White CBC: White Supremacist KKK Senior Producer Leaves CBC Because of it’s Stunning and Brave Agenda
Consubversatism Manhandling the Manlets – Leet Haxxor Finds One Weird Trick to Slaying Multiple Virginal Supermodels
Anti-White Disgusting Mother Sells Five Year Old Daughter as “Sex Slave” to Black Murderer who Proceeds to Murder her