Censorship Interesting! Milquetoast Matt Walsh’s “What’s a Wahman” Doc (Un)Cancelled, Thiel Approved Middle Easterner Getting no Engagement
Electoral Politics East Palestine: NJP Throw Bad Optics Protest at Brave Republican Ohio Governor Mike DeWine’s House in Columbus and Norfolk Southern HQ in Atlanta
Child Abuse I Tried Writing about NJP’s Shutdown of the Hix Brewery Antifas and what I Found is that the Bar Owner Might Actually be a Pedophile Molesting his own Son
Consubversatism Steven Crowder “Makes the Argument” for Gassing the Secular-Humanist-Americans with Facts and Logic
Electoral Politics Kevin “Israel Uber Alles” McCarthy Triumphs as Matt “Rentboy” Gaetz Finally Votes for him to Fulfill Lifelong Dream Being Chief Puppet in Congress