JQ YeGate: Wakandian King Kanye West Bitchslaps They-American Controlled Puppet Alex Jones back into Shape
Canada Gay Adoption Baby Pierre Poilievre Vows to Move Embassy to Jerusalem, Promises non-Whites a “Greater Voice”
Clownworld Canadian Government Summons Russian Ambassador over Insufficiently pro-AIDS Social Media Posts
Clownworld MonkeyPoxAPalooza: Disease Renamed over Aryan Supremacy, and Disney’s $150 Million Budget pro-Monkeypox Groomer Movie Possibly the Biggest Box Office Bomb of all Time
Anti-White DeSantis’ “Stop WOKE” Act Shut Down as Brave Priests of Democracy Allowed to Spew Love not Hate
Tech Companies Elon Musk Claims Apple Threatening to App Ban Twatter, May Create Own Mobile Phone Instead