e-drama I Hate the E-Right Part 26 – Rapist Hitler Works With Jews To Ensure Total Republican Victory
e-drama I Hate the E-Right Part 9: Blame Wimmenz, Not Jews, Denounce Conspiratardism Three Years After the Heterosexuals
e-drama I Hate the E-Right Part 6 – The (((Pornographic Industry))) is Inherently Exploitative, and Servatives Intentionally Miss the Mark
e-drama Retard Fight: Ethan “Purest of LOLcows” Ralph and Nick “Cumhunter” Fuentes End Ersatz Homosexual Marriage
e-drama LOLbert Richard Hannania Celebrates Destruction of Society Leading to Pro-Billionaire Policies
e-drama I Hate the E-Right Part 3: Reject Modernity, Embrace E-Weirdos, Fictional Psychopaths, Steroids, and being Constantly Online