This will be my last political post in a very long time. For the next few months, this site will be dedicated to Escape From Epstein Island, and nothing else. I hope the reason will be obvious.
Incredible things are happening on Twitter. The first incredible thing is a bunch of impotent whining. The second incredible thing is mass censorship of anyone who speaks out against mass migration.
These two posts from Keith Woods were written on the same day, just a few hours apart from one another. Yes, the irony is totally lost on him.
Pleased by how many MAGA influencers have come out on the right side of the legal immigration debate.
I expected most would loyally follow the Trump admin on this, but it’s really only other foreigners and immigrants like Hanania and Cheong cheering on the tech-right position now.
I don’t think that would have been the case 4 years ago.
Jaime, do you know what Trump’s stated position on H1B visas was during his first presidential term?
March 03, 2016“Megyn Kelly asked about highly-skilled immigration. The H-1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration: these are temporary foreign workers, imported from abroad, for the explicit purpose of substituting for American workers at lower pay. I remain totally committed to eliminating rampant, widespread H-1B abuse and ending outrageous practices such as those that occurred at Disney in Florida when Americans were forced to train their foreign replacements. I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program. No exceptions.”
Quick, someone redpill Trump. He’s forgotten that H1Bs are bad for Americans and unpopular.
I noticed Ian Miles Cheong shilling for H1Bs earlier.
Quick, someone get Ian Miles Cheong from two years ago to redpill present day Ian Miles Cheong.
Vivek Ramaswamy was shilling H1Bs hard.
If only he’d talked to Vivek Ramaswamy from a year ago, and gotten redpilled on the issue.
Just over a year ago Keith Woods was cheering on Vivek Ramaswamy, because the guy currently pushing for an increase in Indian immigration was helping Keith Woods mainstream The Great Replacement.
Hyuge Victory Goyim. LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Anyone remember tradcath stuff?
Remember when brave Joel Davis clapped back at all the people censored by Musk – the NJP guys, Patriotic Alternative, Justice Report, etcetera – and claimed that Musk taking over Twitter had revolutionized free speech online?
Joel Davis Telegram (May 8th, 2023):
Musk isn’t “co-opting” our movement, he just commented on some tweets which drew mainstream attention to some good things like black crime and the anti-white bias of the mainstream media. These are much better things for conservatives to be talking about than the usual bullshit they talk about, because they are racial issues. We want conservatives discussing racial issues because it focuses conservative discourse onto positions which are ideal interfaces with white identity politics. That’s all this is.
I dunno Joel, I think this guy might be co-opting our movement just a little bit.
No one could possibly have foreseen that the shitbag who censored everyone (ostensibly) attempting real world electoral change was a bad actor.
Nathan Damigo (May 8th, 2023):
Right, Musk, the richest man in the United States and possibly the world whose businesses rely on the blessing of the Judeo-Capitalist regime, paid billions of dollars for a social media company, blocked every major White advocate in the United States from using it, and then just randomly starts replying positively to people posting pro-White content. Just a completely innocent and misunderstood coincidence.And yes, you are right Joel. It is better for conservatives to be talking about race. They will be more likely to win elections if they complain about White people being mistreated so they can get back into office and cut taxes for the rich, pardon corrupt Jews and black rappers, grant amnesty to illegals and give billions more in cash prizes to Israel.
Don’t forget opening up the borders to the Asian subcontinent while calling White People lazy and stupid.
Thank goodness Elon lets us redpill da normies.
Keith, could you please tweet at Elon Musk, and inform him that mass migration is bad? We all know how effective that is at getting tangible, real world policy. After all, Keith did such great work banning the ADL, so the problem is pretty much solved at this point.
Sure, maybe that didn’t go anywhere. In fact, Musk kept banning people left, right, and center, spent millions of his own money “combatting anti-semitism,” and installed an ADL approved CEO. But the important point is that Woods got online attention for a while, so it was worth it.
Recently, Warren Balogh got censored for anti-war posts. They weren’t even particularly inflammatory, but Musk’s owners want war, so they can’t be having any of that. Actually, they can’t be having anyone criticizing mass migration either.
Not even Laura Loomer is safe.
Based Elon is really taking it to the socialist DEMONrats who want closed borders.
Fuck you bloody fuckmother. – Elon “Pajeet” Musk

World’s richest man-child.
Keith Woods once accused yours truly of writing a “gutter hitpiece,” because I had the audacity to point out the ineffectiveness of his “activism.” Well, Keith, it’s been two years. What tangible victories did you get out of the oligarch with the tranny son?
It used to be that Musk let you semi-effectively “redpill da normies,” on his site, and then banned anyone who tried to act upon that through political action. Now he just straight up bans people for not wanting H1Bs.
Let’s Gooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Just a reminder that the algorithm is trying to maximize unregretted user-seconds.
I don’t know what that means, either, but it’s not the important part.
If far more credible, verified subscriber accounts (not bots) mute/block your account compared to those who like your posts, your reach will decline significantly.
The term for this is “shadowbanning,” and I remember when it was a huge deal when twitter first instituted it back in 2017. Now, instead of being done manually by the censorship division at X, it will be done by big accounts with artificially inflated bot followers.
And the biggest account on X is Elon Musk, which means that if he decides to block you, say goodbye to ever having any tweet go viral ever again, which is the only possible value these kinds of sites can ever provide. You’re not going to be exposed to a new audience. You’re not going to get new followers. But it’s still free speech, because he isn’t outright banning you, except for when he also does that as well.
Oh well, guyz. Guess we’ve got to try our luck with the next billionaire. The GOP may have betrayed us for the nineteenth thousandth time, but I’m sure in 2028 they’ll still be the lesser of two evils in the eyes of the brave revolutionaries who are really into vibing on twitter.
After Elon Musk took over Twitter, and after all the shitlibs either left for Bluesky, or just did something else with their time, you’ll still lose your account and be shadowbanned for criticizing immigration.
I got the following comment by “MKNaomi”, under my second post pertaining to Luigi Mangione.
Fuentes also pretends that he had hand in getting Trump elected when in reality he ordered his acolytes to vote for Harris and had them post their votes on Twitter to prove it. Of course he’s now back to pretending to “hold Trump accountable from the right” in a even more delusional version of the same play the Chapo Trap House and Jacobin crowd tried doing the with Biden “from the left”.
Make no mistake, Fuentes just says whatever gets his paypiggies to engage and satisfies the money men in the background who keep him dancing on strings.
I didn’t know that Fuentes told his followers to vote for Harris. What I do know is that Nick Fuentes has ~475k Twitter followers, which makes him a powerful force in American electoral politics. Him rallying his combination of bots and constantly online infotainment enjoyers pushed Harris over the finish line.
Well, that didn’t happen. But Fuentes is doing an “I Told You So” victory lap over all the plan trusters who supported Trump.
Nick warned you about Trump. You need to apologize to him now.
He may be a Catboi Respecter, but he’s damn prescient.
You tell ’em Nick. You tell ’em that Trump is a no good, lousy –
Nick Fuentes spent 2018-2023 shilling for Trump, and attacking everyone who broke with that gayop, long after it was obvious Trump was a malicious fraud. He even told his supporters to go to the capitol, “break down the barricades,” and “disregard the police,” on behalf of Trump, and one of his most prominent former supporters is still rotting in jail as a result of that.
It’s not surprising that he can’t activate his large twitter following to do anything productive electorally. Yeah, it’s mostly bots, but even the actual people are the kind of unbelievably low agency worthless types who write “I will kill, rape, and die for Nick Fuentes,” then stay at home playing video games and watching porn on election day. These are the followers you’re fighting for, and the people you’re “redpilling” when you shout into the censored hugbox that is Elon Musk’s ADL Approved Playpen for Retards.
Frankly, everyone already knows this. For example, Cuckservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre’s recent post.
Every single comment is attacking this fraud.
Just one unmitigated chain of pushback.
It took until someone named “Ronald Silbermann,” to give a ratio’d supportive comment.
As an aside, I even found Alexander Dugin in the comments. I guess this explains why the Ukrainian “nazis” hate him so much.
Anyway, Little PP isn’t popular on twitter. What does that mean in terms of real world policy?
Under the last article in the “I Hate the E-Right” series I got the following comment from an anonymous poster.
I think those of us approaching 30 who are now veterans of the bullshit are not the target audience for all the gay ops… everything on all mainstream sites has this tinge of being meant for 14-18 year olds who have no context and are extremely naive, they just like whatever is cool in a meme, even if that meme is made by zog to encourage them to throw their young lives away for people who racially hate them on a level they couldn’t begin to understand.
I think this was the seventeenth Most Important Election Ever that I’ve lived through, and I’m barely over thirty.
The modern political landscape is boring and tedious. As a result, I’m focusing on my game, to the complete exclusion of everything else. I really mean that. I’ll be posting frequently, but it’s going to be things like rough drafts of cutscenes in the game, or other updates of that nature. I’m so burned out from politics that I barely have the energy to say “I Told You So,” even though, unlike some, I have every right to.
A big fan of your writing. It’s refreshing to see a guy with literally the best stance on every topic and a good style to boot.
It’s to bad that he gets so upset and demoralized by all of it that it seems he hates expressing his views anymore.
Tis all so tiresome
Though i admit there’s a sort of, refractory? enjoyment in seeing the groypers get fucked, these types are the unwilling unlearning reactionaries whom for the past years have been my greatest annoyance.
Presumably Trudeau will declare war against the US, to secure for Canada an uninterrupted and endless supply of pajeets.
Also, Luigi Mangione accomplished more by killing a single deserving CEO, than any amount of whining, throughout human history, combined, have ever brought about.
I wonder what happens if others pick up his torch?
We obviously aren’t getting what we want any other way.
William Luther Pierce was a prescient man. He saw what would happen to white people with clarity. He also knew that he was ahead of the curve, and that most white people were too busy with bread and circuses at the time to do what was needed to secure their future, but that eventually the tremendous pressure of being overtly genocided would lead to a vanguard stepping up and taking care of business. White traitors and jews are deadly serious about carrying out their genocide program, and it has a truly demonic energy behind it. You are on point with your conclusion.
The pic of pedo Rabbi giving freak boy Musk a gory ‘bris blowjob’ is fuckin’ hilarious. All the right kikel rats are surrounding baby tard Musk. Kudos.