e-drama Night of the Long Steak Knives Part 6: Butterpussy, Hovater Plantrusting, Mid Tier Supermodels, and Failing to even Fail
e-drama Night of the Long Steak Knives Part 5: Daily Rake Takes Full Credit for the Decapitation of NJP It Girl Tony Hovater
e-drama Night of the Long Steak Knives Part 3: Weinstein Superfans, Catboi Puhrers, Jayohgate, and a Culture of Complacency
e-drama Night of the Long Steak Knives Part 1: Stunning and Brave NJP Leadership Courageously Refuse to Give Peasants Explanation Before Snarking Online
e-drama I Hate the E-Right Part 21: Tradcath Superstar E Michael Jones Humiliates the Non-Existent HuWhyte Race Using Intellectually Honest Critiques From (((Noel Ignatiev)))
JQ Gaza Gone Wild 2023 + I Hate the E-Right Part 20: The Peanut Gallery Given Dunketh on Brave IDF-Right E-Warrior Shultide