There Is No News In Professional Wrestling
Former President Donald J. Trump repeated his hard-line message on immigration at the debate on Thursday, casting undocumented immigrants as a threat to American jobs, national security and the social safety net. President Biden offered little in the way of rebuttal.
Mr. Trump argued that the president’s policies had left the U.S.-Mexico border wide open, allowing crime and drugs to flow into cities and converting every state into a border state.
“We are living right now in a rat’s nest,” Mr. Trump said. “They’re killing our people in New York, in California, in every state in the union because we don’t have borders anymore.” It was one of many statements by Mr. Trump that were either false, lacked context or were vague enough to be misleading.
Donald Trump is bloviating about immigration again.
I’ve been entirely out of the loop, taking an extended vacation from politics for the majority of this year. Despite this, even I haven’t managed to avoid hearing similar prattle from Neocon Don. A few months ago he made a video promising (no really this time!) to end birthright citizenship.
In a video posted to Truth Social, Trump revived an old promise, saying that on Day 1 of a new term as president, he would issue an executive order to end birthright citizenship for children born to parents in the country illegally. But as we wrote when Trump vowed to — but never did — issue such an executive order when he was president, most legal scholars believe such a change would require a constitutional amendment.
I was certain I’d taken a screenshot of this when it happened, and after a bit of rummaging around, I managed to find the twitter users providing the additional context.
No image sums up the Donald Trump Experience more than the one above. The man is a complete and utter fraud. At this point, the only difference between him and George W. Bush is his willingness to pretend to advocate for the filthy, unwashed Goy masses. In the end you get the same policies, which is worse than nothing.
Trump was always a fraud, but at this point it’s so obvious that he doesn’t even trigger the shitlibs anymore. Everyone knows that Gorland Blormph is a parasitical narcissist who doesn’t have your back, and eventually the butthole-left realized that pointing this out was a far better demoralization tactic to use on the remnants of the MAGApedes than pretending he’s secretly Hitler.
Case in point, I screencapped the exchange below above a few weeks ago. I had hopped on twatter X, noticed that Trump was trending because of his conviction for some random bullshit, and saw the following exchange on twitter wherein two Butthole Enjoyers were gloating about Trump doing fuckall for his supporters other than shanking the knife in their backs.
But hey, Trump got convicted for something, so that must mean that the (((Democracy Class))) hates him. Let’s see who his Brave Aryan Warrior co-conspirators were.
In 2017, Cohen and Allen Weisselberg, an executive at the Trump Organization, reached an agreement about how Cohen would be repaid for the $130,000 that he sent to Daniels in exchange for her silence. Weisselberg detailed the calculations in handwritten notes that were shown to the jury at trial.
It sure is shocking that Trump never followed through on any part of “his agenda”, being surrounded by friends like these.
I believe that the Trump conviction is the last, dying gasp of mid level managerial seething about Gorland Blormph, the King of Israel. Some Shaniqua judges and shitlibs who never got the memo that Orange Faggot is the most trustworthy Goy Distractor in all the land. These are the types who would have been almost as triggered from the aforementioned George W. Bush, who they also thought was New Hitler, even years after he was out of office.
Michael Tracey has been going hard on saying true things about Neocon Don on twitter. I had to cross out “going hard on,” because it’s almost impossible to describe this cretin without attacking him. Trump is simply a gigantic piece of shit. To accurately describe the NFT Salesman is to condemn him.
Trump is the real life example of what most people imagine politicians to be. He runs on enacting policies that people want – although considerably less so this time around – and then just simply doesn’t do any of it. Most politicians under ZOG don’t have any popular policies, but because “the other side” is also controlled by zionists, they can’t be electorally punished, except from outside the system. Traditionally, this has been used to get people to tune out of politics entirely, but Trump has shown that a self-interested narcissist pretending to advocate for you is equally bad, if not worse.
It’s so harmless that other politicians, such as Georgia Meloni in Italy, have realized that they can do the exact same thing, on the exact same issue of immigration. The (((Donor Class))) around the world has realized that politicians can freely mix in some nods to populism, up to a certain point. As long as they make sure to stab their supporters in the back every single time they can, it’s all good.
This is Trump’s enduring legacy.
Do you remember the years long internet slap fights over this guy? I remember being called a WiGNaT cHrISt HaTeR by rap music loving secret homosexuals for not enthusiastically supporting Neocon Don. Part of the argument was that Trump was changing the Republican Party, and that is so absurd in retrospect that I feel dumb for having wasted one second of my time engaging with the premise.
But hey, that’s just Trump, and the “right wing populists.” Let’s check in with the “left wing populists.” The Servatives have graciously given them the stupendously popular position of opposing zionist foreign policy on a silver platter. Furthermore, the Jews are currently performing the most documented genocide in all of human history. I’m sure they’ve been holding strong throughout –
Amazingly, when you get to Washington, you start having views on wealth inequality and foreign policy far to the right of the average conservative/Republican voter.
AOC wears shirts that say “Eat the Rich.” Then she whines that genocidal zionist billionaires are being dehumanized. The “populist” left is as much of a joke as the MAGA right, which makes covering the electoral shenanigans this time of year tedious beyond all repair. Frankly, there’s nothing to cover. Every single one of these politicians are owned by the same people, whether that be through hook or crook, and the puppetshow isn’t interesting.
I included a screencap from Joseph Jordan, also known as Eric Striker. You may remember him from the ill-fated National Justice Limited Liability Corporation. Now that the Revolutionary Party That Was Going to Defeat ZOG went belly up because Mike Peinovich was too busy aloofing, he’s sharing his takes on twitter. In his defense, I don’t think that he’s happy with the situation either, but when you zoom out and look at the big picture, it’s hard not to be underwhelmed.
Nevertheless, I do still agree with most of his takes. The same can be said for Mike Enoch/Peinovich, who I have been informed is the owner of this “ThunderStruck” account. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
On one hand, it’s certainly better than nothing that people with largely the correct opinions are out there spreading them. On the other hand, to what point? As Striker points out, and something I’ve said for a long time, the normies are already red-pilled, at least enough that there are already popular policies just waiting for a competent, organized party to champion them.
Since any opportunity for actual political change in the upcoming election has totally collapsed, I find the affair entirely uninteresting. I don’t care which zionist puppet wins, and I haven’t been following the news with any interest this time around. The storylines are fake and the result is rigged.
Having said that, can I say that I’ve been using my free time in the most productive way possible? Considering that I watched the entirety of this video recently, I’d say not.
No, I have no interest in this subject matter. I find professional bodybuilding to be a totally bizarre spectacle. I think all of them look atrocious, I know the result is political, and don’t care anyway. I got here because I was looking up “fitness content” – which I also wouldn’t recommend to anyone – and traveled down a long windy path until I was watching a video on a seven years old Mr. Roided Up Freak Competition that I had zero interest in.
How could this happen?
A Tepid Defense of Infotainment
I holocausted the following comment on my site about a month ago. I’ll transcribe it for your viewing pleasure.
Nick Fuentes and all the people Timmy ALOG’d are still relevant, and Timmy is just seething with a nail in his foot from roofing. A fitting end.
– Build back better
Still relevant?
How about “Nick Fuentes, and all the other people you ALOG’d were always irrelevant assclowns, and you wasted your time because no one actually cares about these people.” That would have been a much better burn, because it’s true. I stopped writing about the e-right, because no one actually cares. These people are never influencing policy. They’re not political actors. They’ve just monetized saying shit on the internet.
I have a soft spot for Warren Balogh and Eric Striker, not just because they got kicked from the parasitical NJP, but also because I’ve always felt a more genuine passion coming from them than anyone else online. I remember publicly encouraging them in one of the Steak Knives articles to start a competitor to TRS, and I’m happy that they have done so. I don’t know if there are other links, but you can find their show, WarStrike, here on Telegram, and can download the audio for free. I believe you can also watch their show free on Rumble.
I say all this, because I got another comment on this site, from some WarStrike femboy. I didn’t screencap it, but it was something to the effect of:
Judd Blevins booked for an interview with WarStrike. Huge L for the Rake. Huge W for “infotainment” WarStrike.
WarStrike isn’t infotainment?
I think even Striker would tell you that himself. That’s why he and Warren Balogh were allowed back their twatter accounts. Once you stop being a political threat to ZOG, which a serious political party is, you stop being treated like a serious political threat. You are then free to join the Seed Oil Disrespectors, Totally Not Homosexual Male Body Appreciators, and Skinnyfat NeoReactionary Doofuses over in the ADL approved online cuckbox with all the rest of the e-right.
I don’t dislike WarStrike, but there’s a reason why I’ve only listened to one of their episodes, and not the one with Blevins. Theoretically, I should have listened to that particular bit of content the minute it dropped, but at this point, who cares? I’m sure Blevins has some interesting things to say that would be helpful to an existing political party, but with the collapse of the NJP, there isn’t even a pretend political party out there doing anything. So what’s the point? Political lessons for the politically inert are like Vietnamese lessons for people who have no intention of ever traveling to Vietnam. I guess it could be useful at some point, but you could do just about anything else with your time.

“Sportsball, Goy. There’s SPORTSBALL to watch!”
However, it’s probably better listening to WarStrike than watching random YouTube videos about half decade old steroid competitions, where oiled up men in thongs are judged by homosexual Jews through the criteria of who sells more supplements. You may find that particularly specific, but feel free to substitute your trashy content instead, such as the anti-White NHL finals.
What I’m saying is that, once you smother any hopes that any of this political infotainment is going to lead anywhere, and judge it purely as entertainment product, then I suppose it’s healthier than pornography, reality television, or just about anything else ZOG wants you to be distracted by. It’s like listening to Chopin instead of whatever the hell is on the radio. I’m not saying it’s much, but at least it’s something.
Personally, I’m ending my political holiday, just in time for my real holiday. I’ve downloaded a few of the latest WarStrike shows, and I’ll listen to them while going about my day. Even without that, I’ve had the urge to write more than a few times in these past months, but found the fake politics under ZOG to be so disgusting and tedious that it stops me before I begin. That may change, especially with more satirical subject matter.
But, no promises.
Hey man, you do you. No need to write if you feel that you can’t make it interesting or entertaining anyways. That’ll lose you more readers than not publishing daily will.
I’ll watch their show (WarStrike) in small portions since many of the streams are over 5 hours long. They have a small but dedicated viewership and respectable donation numbers but as you have written, it’s just another form of entertainment that wont effect much. At least it’s more productive than placing stickers on poles. As for Trump, even after the first term of him doing nothing but tax cuts there are still many who think this time it will be different even though right now he is not giving specifics on any policies, some people can never learn.
Yay, More on Hrumpf !!
Hrumpf is a joke to be sure and dimwitted as a bag o dirt…BUT …LEAVING OUT the UTTER SACK OF SHIT BIDEN from your posts…. makes me suspect you might be a closet pedo … sorta … not really…
I mainly enjoy your Blormpf posts for that wonderful photo of him on the top… pear-fect.
Good to see you back dude.
I think you only write to seethe about commenters lmao
Wait, Balogh also got the boot? Just goes to show how irrelevant that “party” is if that passed under my radar.
I was right to start referring to the NJP as the National Pool Party. I’ll reiterate what I said before during the Night of the Long Steak Knives series – if the NPP is the best we can do, then we have no business being in the corridors of power.
I don’t know if Balogh officially got booted. The party is defunct, and he’s now outside of the TRS ecosystem entirely, along with Striker. Frankly, I haven’t been on TRS for the entirety of this year, and if there have been any updates, it’s news to me.
Just wait. They ALL want a “Smart Wall.” Even Drumpfer. Everything you see has been manufactured to bring it about… a total surveillance state by the rich managerial elite. They’ll tell you it’s for the immigrants but it’s for you and it’s global.
The fact that their overall plan is to replace the most productive tax base in the history of the world with a group of people of whom 99% never get jobs and just get on welfare and are unemployed is all the proof I need of the ‘global elite’ being inbred for at least 300 years straight.
If they are successful they will get to rule over 3rd or 4th world areas and hope the ooga boogas don’t even notice how white their skin is.
I’ve listened to several episodes of WarStrike despite largely agreeing with you that it is largely infotainment. At least it has the distinction of being the closest to the truth out of all the right wing streams and podcasts out there, so it has the positive effect of peddling accurate information and possibly a coherent worldview to youngsters and newcomers who haven’t dropped out of politics in fatigue or disgust yet. Those people might be able to do something with the information in whatever fights may come down the line and at the very least won’t fall for some very popular lies.
It does make me roll my eyes when Striker waxes fondly about the NJP and how it was “ahead of its time,” but if there’s a single young white man that can be steered away from falling for the Trump con and ultimately rotting in a federal prison like a Jan 6er or worse, enlisting to fight in Judea’s war against Iran, then there is a positive value to infotainment that cannot be denied. You may even call it valuetainment, if the name wasn’t already taken by an ambiguously ethnic online financial advisor
What you think about trumps ear getting shot
We definitely need an article on that a month after it happened
We definitely need you to go suck a massive pox ridden monkey cock and film it.
What a totally bizarre, and completely creepy, schizo homosexual comment to post. get some help buddy.
Alright everyone, calm down.
Yeah, for sure. Some inter-webs weirdo with homo bestiality porn on their mind is pretty disturbing. Don’t know if I should laugh or cry. Pretty freaky, my dudes.
PSA: When a politician says “Israel is our greatest ally,” what he really means is that the Mossad has videos of him raping toddlers.
Also, since we’re in the neighborhood, monkeypox is now a global health threat. A week after the olympics ended and the population of global olympic enjoyers returned to their various homes. With monkeypox that they caught from the “people” they “met” at the olympics.
Anyway, without meaningful organization behind it, there isn’t any real point to what Balogh and Striker are doing. Covington’s Northwest American Republic plan at least aspired to actually change things, which needs to happen.
At this point, I would understand if some people reached the conclusion that the NJP was just a demoralization op.