Before I get into the cutscene, I am extremely pleased to announce that I have received the first artwork from an outside contributor, and it is proudly displayed as the left side of the article header image above. The right side was my programmer art for the Reddit Admin. As you can see, if I hadn’t told you that you what you were looking at, you would never have guessed.
As a placeholder, I had made each enemy a bunch of geometric shapes, sometimes with differing colours. This did the job at first, but visual clarity issues grew alongside the rest of development. After a certain point, I simply could not tell what the hell was going on, and I am the one making the game.
Because of that, about a week ago I decided to reach out to some people who had offered to create art for the project. I was thrilled that anyone responded, and certainly did not expect the art to be of such tremendous quality.
Everyone direct their applause towards *redacted.* I don’t want to give a name yet, because I haven’t gotten the go ahead from him.
For the previous cutscene, go here.
SCENE: Back in The Daily Rake’s lavish news studio, with Fallulah and Dr. Shekelstein.
Shekelstein: That was quite the Zerg rush you dealt with in there.
Fallulah: ZOG rush.
*The corners of Shekelstein’s mouth turn up before he points at her.*
Shekelstein: Indeed.
Fallulah: Made me wish that I’d made a flamethrower to roast those ZOGlings.
Shekelstein: Channel your inner firebat.
Fallulah: Not sure I get that reference.
Shekelstein: Oh, I thought – Nevermind.
Fallulah: Fire might have gotten rid of the stench.
Shekelstein: Well that’s Reddit Powermods for you. A bunch of unwashed groomers, elevated to positions of middle management by the state actors who control that site. They’re so personally repulsive that it’s easy to forget those types of people are actually evil.
Fallulah: Did you know that Ghislaine Maxwell was a Reddit Powermod?
Shekelstein: We looked into that, and that’s likely, but unproven. What is proven, because it was revealed by Reddit themselves, is that the most “Reddit Addicted City” in America was in fact Eglin Air Force Base.
(FYI, this is actually true, and I’ll edit more screenshots for the video)
Shekelstein (Cont): Couple that with Israel’s Unit 8200 trolls, and you get a site that’ll ban you for speaking out against ten year olds getting their dicks chopped off, anti-White pogroms, but also for criticizing the genocidal jew ethnostate. Did you know that we covered these creatures cheering on US Military action against the Houthis?
Fallulah: They were cheering on the US Military?
Shekelstein: I guess the anti-colonial Brown alliance against capitalism doesn’t apply to the impoverished Houthis fighting against the evil empire.

I just can’t even.
Fallulah: If you want a picture of the zionist future, imagine a femboy stiletto stomping on the faces of Israel’s enemies, forever.
Shekelstein: I’m just surprised to learn that they physically meet their handlers.
Fallulah: Well the ADL does fly police forces to Israel for direct training.
Shekelstein: Oh that’s right, and you were saying something about fighting militarized police earlier?
Fallulah: That’s right.
Shekelstein: So are we going to fight them next level or something?
Fallulah: Not for a long time. I was still at the top of the tower. The security services amounted to basically a lot of sweaty, fedora wearing Reddit Admins, plus the occasional golem.
Shekelstein: I thought the reddit mods were the golems.
Fallulah: No, I mean the actual golems. Creatures of clay and mud that these Schlomos make to defend themselves. I had to kill a lot of them.
Shekelstein: I didn’t know those were actually real. What should we expect out of them?
Fallulah: They’re basically the Hunters, from Halo.
Shekelstein: Got it.
Elon Musk, pro gamer
A microcosm of Musk. He pays someone else to do something, then takes the credit.