Daily Mail:

An Applebee’s executive caused an uproar when he allegedly told company officials in a leaked email that skyrocketing gas prices and inflation could be used to lower wages for workers already living paycheck to paycheck. 

In a copy of the internal email posted on Reddit on Wednesday, Wayne Pankratz, the executive director of operations for American Franchise Capital, which owns 50 Applebee’s in the Midwest, allegedly told managers of the fast food chain  that employees and applicants are economically hurting, which he saw as an ‘advantage.’

‘Most of our employee base and potential employee base live paycheck to paycheck,’ the email read. ‘Any increase in gas prices cuts into their disposable income.

Wayne Pankratz

Trust me, Pankratz here wasn’t saying this with sympathy. He was gloating over how much leverage they had over the little peasants who they lord over.

Pankratz allegedly went on to say: ‘As inflation continues to climb and gas prices continue to go up, that means more hours employees will need to work to maintain their current level of living.’  

He added that with pandemic government aid drying up and people needing two jobs to survive, the company needed to make sure new workers are brought in on lower wages and should have their lives revolve around Applebee’s, according to the leaked email.  

“The labor market is about to turn in our favor.” 

But there’s a silver lining. These people use the excess profits they squeeze out of the peasants to fund anti-White NGO’s, child tranny stuff, and BLM. So you should vote Republican very hard and be very invested in Cuckservatism. After all, you get so much out of it.

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