Experts say violent crime in the City by the Bay isn’t higher than other cities of a similar size and has actually declined over the last decade.
Chesa Boudin was recalled by voters last year after being criticized as “soft on crime” and neglecting to address public safety and homelessness.
Musk tweeted: “Violent crime in SF is horrific and even if attackers are caught, they are often released immediately.”
Violent crime, defined by the California Department of Justice as homicide, rape, robbery and aggravated assault, peaked in 2013 in San Francisco with 7,064 incidents. The rate has fallen over the last decade, down to 4,796 incidents in 2020 before undergoing a slight uptick to 4,887 incidents in 2021. The state agency has yet to release crime statistics for 2022.
In other words, “experts” have no idea what they are talking about when they say that crime is fine in San Fran, because they don’t have the actual data. Their argument is “trust me bro.” Meanwhile we’ve seen record crime rates all over North America, to the point where public transit is down 30% because people are afraid of being victims of crime.
San Francisco is dying, but the experts are here to explain why your lying eyes shouldn’t be believed. Oh and this is after (((Chessa Boudin))) was recalled.
Kimberly Richman, a professor of criminal justice and legal studies at the University of San Francisco, noted that since the homicide rate is low in San Francisco, an increase of a few cases each year makes the situation appear more dire than it is.
Someone named “Richman” making excuses for violent crimes? I think we all know what that means.
Best I can find is her USFCA bio, and this girl, genetically, looks like she was born in Israel.
Kimberly Richman received a BA at Pitzer College in Claremont, California, and an MA and a PhD in the Department of Criminology, Law, and Society at UC Irvine, where she also completed a graduate emphasis in women’s studies. She currently teaches Criminology; Sociology of Law; Deviance and Social Control; Senior Thesis Workshop; and Capstone in Sociology.
Professor Richman’s primary areas of research interest are law and society, criminology, and the effects of legal rights (or their lack) on social, civic, and personal aspects of life, including legal consciousness, identity, and civic personhood. The majority of her past research has focused on the creation of legal and social meaning in legal processes involved with LGBT family law issues, as well as legal consciousness among same-sex married (or would-be married) couples and parents. Her current research focuses on the experience of incarceration, rehabilitative prison programming, and its effects on parole and reentry. She is co-founder and chief executive of the Bay Area reentry nonprofit Alliance for CHANGE.
Let’s see what Richberg has to say about violent crime in San Fran.
“When people home in on something like year to year difference in a category that’s already very small, that looks amplified from year to year,” she said. “That can be mitigated by doing a wider focus and looking at crime rates over time and seeing this isn’t really much of a change, but folks don’t typically do that.”
Richman said Lee’s death has served as a lightning rod for discourse on the city’s crime rate because of his high-profile status and the neighborhood in which he was killed.
“A high-profile murder like Bob Lee, who was a white, wealthy, upper-class public figure in a neighborhood you don’t associate with crimes rates, it’s going to seem like it’s here too and out of control,” she said. “We know there’s a lot more attention paid to violent crimes and murder in which there was a white victim, and so these cases really grab the public’s attention.”
I’m sure if LeBron James was stabbed on the streets of San Fran that no one would notice because he isn’t White.
What Der Juden speaketh is not worth responding to. But who is this Bob Lee? What happened to this man that caused such a kerfuffle?
The founder of multibillion-dollar tech company Cash App, Bob Lee, was fatally stabbed near San Francisco city centre on Tuesday, his family has said.
Police found a 43-year-old man with stab wounds and treated him before he later died in hospital.
His father, Rick Lee, confirmed his son – who was also the ex-chief technology officer at Square – had been killed.
The latest crime data suggests the city is one of the most-dangerous in the US.
You don’t say…
Looks fine from my perspective. Nothing unusual about mentally ill crackheads and criminals of colour constantly attacking people and doing drugs right out in the open. That’s a great place to raise a family.
The San Francisco Standard viewed CCTV footage that shows Mr Lee walking down a deserted alleyway, seemingly looking for help.
Mr Lee is seen stumbling towards a parked car and lifting up his shirt to reveal his wound, but the vehicle drives off before the tech entrepreneur falls to the ground.
Police found Mr Lee unconscious in the Rincon Hill neighbourhood with two stab wounds to his chest, and started to administer aid before rushing him to hospital, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Bob Lee died a terrible death. We don’t know why he was stabbed, and the police have no suspects. What we do know is that he was barely alive when the police found him, and is clearly in shock and pain in the video.
I saw this tweet by Jake Shields, just about the only interesting person left on twatter, and I was angered on this man’s behalf. However, I then saw screencaps of Bob’s tweets, and wasn’t so sure that this man was worthy of my secondhand rage.
I’ll never stake my reputation on screenshots, so I went and fact-checked this for myself. It turns out that Bob Lee’s twatter account is still up, as of time of writing.
So it was easy doing a search for these old tweets. I searched “racist,” knowing that if I found one good tweet, I’d find another.
Sure enough, the screencapped tweet was there, as were these three.

That last tweet is referencing Bill Clinton’s anti-crime bills. #Ironic
Things are getting a little better. At least we’re talking about racial issues instead of ignoring them. We still have so far to go. It’s not enough for white people to not be racist. We need to push for racial equity, too, and not expect black people to do all the work.
Oh noes. Did a probably black street criminal shank this anti-White multi-millionaire faggot? That’s just awful.
I couldn’t be more upset.
I guess his two daughters have to grow up without a daddy now. If it were 99.9% of White Men who this happened to, I would consider this casus belli to throw a revolution. But to this anti-White cunt?
It might seem ghoulish, but I’m simply long past the point of pretending that I don’t want White racial traitors to get stabbed by the criminals of colour that they coddle. If the anti-White (((Soros Prosecutors))) had the negative effects of their soft on crimes of colour policies blow back exclusively on the tiny percent of the population that actually supports these things I would be all for it. Sadly, most of the victims of these policies are peasants, without any voice or advocates. And unlike Bob Lee, they don’t get famous celebrities like Elon Musk to comment on their passing. They just get forgotten.
If that’s his two kids, one of those things is not like the other. No wonder his marriage didn’t work out. And fuck that traitor.
>If that’s his two kids, one of those things is not like the other.
So what is your point?
My parents told me they wanted to give their first born son a Scandinavian name, one they had already picked out — but when my older brother was born, he had dark hair, and for that reason generally did not look very Scandinavian to them — so they gave him another name — then I was born: my hair was much lighter (blonde) and for the reason I looked more Scandinavian, so they gave me the Scandinavian name — both me and my brother have blue/grey eyes, and now that we are older more or less the same light brown hair color, although growing up my hair was generally lighter, more toward blonde, and my skin complexion was also lighter, e.g. I seemed to burn in the sun more easily.
My parents then had 3 more kids — the 3rd was sort of in the middle, the 4th was more blonde like me, the 5th and last was somewhat darker like my older brother.
So kids can differ somewhat in their appearance: hair color, skin complexion, etc — I knew other families where the same was true — it means nothing.
You’re a moron.
I have three sisters. They all have blue or green eyes, and light hair. There are pictures of me out there and people think I’m some Sicilian type. I also tan much better than all of them. These sorts of differences within a family are not odd, and the kids look fairly similar.
You may be right that she’s a Jew; hard to be absolutely certain — per her published papers, which I assume reflect her interests, she may also be a lesbian:
But perhaps most importantly, she is definitely yet another product of junk academia — people underestimate the role of female graduates of subjective junk academia in exacerbating many problems — junk academia expanded tremendously in the last few decades to accommodate midwit women like her who either delay, or are no longer interested in, marriage, but are disinclined as well as too stupid to choose something in STEM to study.
Unless funding for these garbage academic disciplines is slashed, this problem will continue to worsen.
And with women now significantly outnumbering men in college, marriage rates and fertility rates will fall even further — these higher SES women will fail to find husbands.
Odds are it was a nigger animal that did the stabbing. Nothing of any value was lost in this incident.
A dead, anti-white piece of shit is a VERY good thing. In the days to come, many white traitors like the freak Bob Lee will get exactly what they deserve, and those with money and influence like butt hole Bob, will not be spared. The cull is on, and this should warm your heart.
>Odds are it was a nigger animal that did the stabbing.
Most people are assuming so, and you are right: the ‘odds’ do greatly favor that.
But I will wait for an arrest, because in a recent case my initial assumption was wrong: when I first heard about the killing of Temple Univ cop Christopher Fitzgerald in Philadelphia, I assumed with a name like that the cop was white, and the shooter was black (after all, Philadelphia is a notorious shithole of black crime) — both both assumptions were wrong: the cop Christopher Fitzgerald was black, and the 18 y/o kid they arrested for killing him, Miles Pfeffer, is white.
There has been an arrest:
“The alleged killer also works in tech and is a man Lee purportedly knew.”
Name: Nima Momeni — he can be found on LinkedIn — Momeni is an Iranian surname.
Heard they were in a car together when an argument escalated.
“The man, identified as Nima Momeni, faces murder charges, San Francisco police Chief Bill Scott said at a news conference Thursday afternoon. …
“The evidence shows they knew each other and that’s about all I can say right now,” Scott said.”
“Momeni wrote on his LinkedIn page that he attended UC Berkeley, but university spokesperson Dan Mogulof said there’s no record of attendance or graduation.”
People who work for themselves, and/or as a contractor, often exaggerate their credentials, even after they have a track record of successful projects — having a credential is still very important to some employers — I recall the comments of one tech mogul who said the let the universities do part of the interviewing for him by only considering candidates from top schools.
Getting stabbed in the chest and slowly dying – at least he wasn’t a racist.
That Bob Lee guy was involved with “Cash App,” and MobileCoin (the latter funded in part by Binance).
Not saying he was murdered to hide something, but I wouldn’t be very surprised if that is what happened.
A race traitor getting killed by a nigger.
Sounds like justice to me.
“Anti-White Cash App Founder Bob Lee Stabbed to Death in San Fran, Experts Deny Problem”
I’m going with the experts this time.