Citizens in Los Angeles County have collected enough signatures to start a recall effort to remove embattled District Attorney George Gascon.
The men and women who have been spearheading the project are hoping that voters in the county will remove him from office, much like the successful recall effort of former San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin.

Chesa Boudin, former San Fran DA.
Chesa Boudin was holocausted with 61% of the San Francisco electorate voting against him. He was the golem most responsible for the soft on Customer-Americans policies. And that’s really all it is, soft on criminal Blacks, and gang members. These people are evil and malicious, and think it’s funny if you or your children are stabbed to death by these people.
And as for that Wikipedia Early Life…
Boudin was born in New York City to Jewish parents.
Anyway, let’s get back to this George Gascon character.
The effort to get the recall effort on the ballot has been a successful one according to county election officials in Los Angeles.
The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, Dean Logan, reported his office had completed the first step of the review of the signatures and is moving forward with the review and verification of them.
Logan’s initial count shows that 715,833 people have agreed that Gascon needs to be removed while only 566,857 are required to force the recall election. Logan’s office reported:
What happens now is an official election to recall him that should take place November 8th. If this goes anything like the Chesa Boudin recall, he’ll be hooked up to a masturbation machine and turned into a bar of soap. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving cunt.
Gascon gave the “teen,” who did this five months in a juvenile probation camp. As you can see from the video, he swerved into this White Woman and her eight month old child. But five months of coddling seems an appropriate sentence for George Soros. Meanwhile James Fields gets 419 years.
Gascon continues to defend his stance despite the number of people in Los Angeles County that believe his approach is causing more people to be victimized. Gascon appeared at an unrelated press conference and spoke to ABC 7 about the effort:
“The recall rules are fairly lax in the State of California, it requires a very low threshold. You don’t have to show criminal intent. You don’t have to show malfeasance. It’s very easy. We don’t like you, boom. We want to start a recall.
“But, be as it may, I understand the process and we’re ready. If they get the signatures, we feel very strongly that we will succeed. If they don’t get the signatures, I’m sure there will be another recall attempt.”
The “RecallDAGeorgeGascon” twatter account is a fairly solid resource on this antifa. By the sounds of the above, he appears resigned to his fate, and understands that his time is up, because being pro-criminal has never been and will never be popular with the electorate. The only reason these creeps can get elected is because there’s tons of Soros money behind them, and most people don’t really pay much attention to DA elections. Or at least they don’t until they see outrageous crimes go unpunished time after time.
(((Larry Krasner))) pictured above, is another one of these DA’s ripe for recall. He’s facing impeachment charges for dereliction of duty, and would probably be destroyed in a recall like Chesa Boudin.
This is how fake democracy works. A privileged class that is hyper organized gets what they want over the disorganized masses. Whenever the masses actually get organized, and can channel their will into a specific vote, the supposed “representatives,” get shown the oven.
This is why there is never a direct vote on anything that actually matters. The people cannot be trusted to act “correctly,” from the perspective of our privileged class. In fact they can be counted on to do precisely the opposite.
Our challenge isn’t really convincing people of any particular policy. Our challenge is the infrastructure of politics, and dealing with the type of oppression that the Golden Dawn party in Greece has faced. That might sound like quite the tough ask, but there’s nothing to do but do it.
[…] like the author is trying to thunderstrike the reader. How could anyone possibly conflate DA’s intentionally letting violent black criminals out of prison for anti-White ideological reasons with the national […]