This year, your Christmas gift is infinity Indians.

HOWEVER, there is a dire shortage of extremely talented and motivated engineers in America.

– Based Elon Musk

The number of people who are super talented engineers AND super motivated in the USA is far too low.

Thanks, guy who spends 90% of his day gaming or tweeting. I truly feel your pain of not yet being able to pay slave wages to the peasants while demanding they work fourteen hours a day, six days a week.

Musk wants every Indian D- student with a degree in basketweaving from a junior college to get an H1B visa. There’s just no other way to get that top 0.1% engineering talent.

Bless Elon. He’s saved American from not having enough shitty, unproductive Indian tech workers. 

Musk decided to triple down with the narrative that the White Americans who created the tech industry and America as a superpower are simply too stupid to get an entry level job in the tech industry that they created. 

Needless to say, the commentariat were not pleased.

If you need a school, you’ve lost already.

– Elon Musk

Imagine thinking that Elite Human Capital needs educational institutions in order to achieve their Galtian Potential! Imagine thinking that –

Musk’s own companies openly require university degrees for almost every job, and informally reject applicants for not being thus credentialed. He’s trying to rubberstamp every diploma given out by Indian scam Universities with an H1B visa, because apparently those educated at such institutions are so valuable that America can’t compete without them. Musk himself spent six years at University. Two at Queens, and four at the UPenn.

You, on the other hand, should waste your life acquiring tech skills without any credentialism or accreditation. Musk won’t actually hire you, but he’d like you to believe in the myth of capitalistic meritocracy, where multinational conglomerates scour the earth in order to find and elevate the truly talented. So he’ll tell you that schools don’t matter online. 

It’s only somewhat tangential, but in trying to find that tweet about schools, I went through Musk’s twitter account with the replies turned on. First of all, it reminded me why I don’t ever want to hear any vaxxtard shit ever again. 

Secondly, Musk once again confirmed that he spends almost every waking hour tweeting and gaming. He probably averages over a dozen tweets per hour, and there is zero chance anyone is doing any serious intellectual work with that kind of social media addiction. Furthermore, as if Diablo IV speedrunning wasn’t bad enough, he also plays Path Of Exile, another time wasting CRPG, and has probably dropped hundreds of hours into his characters.

The richest man in the world does no actual work. He’s a useless eater. The world’s most famous welfare parasite. Yet he thinks that the main problem with America is that you aren’t motivated enough to give up your weekend working unpaid overtime for the oligarchs who want to replace you with third worlders. 

Hell, even Cernovich pointed out the obvious. 

I want to highlight this comment by Musk shill, Catherine Hessian.

You and others don’t understand what Elon is saying. He doesn’t need those engineers. He needs geniuses. Big time geniuses. There is a shortage of genius engineers. You can’t train to be a genius. Either you are or you’re not.

Jaime, what’s the average IQ of the genius factory known as India?

Thank you, Jaime.

The White Men who are “just dumb,” according to Musk are only good for creating the entire tech industry and Western civilization. They’re incapable of adequately performing basic, entry level jobs at Tesla. You need bigshot geniuses for that. 

Let’s take a closer look at this list of Tesla H1B positions. 

Only Indian geniuses can fill the coveted associate QA engineer positions. Our society will fall apart without them.

There have been over 130k tech workers laid off thus far in 2024. Tesla themselves have laid off fourteen thousand workers, a full 10% of their entire workforce. They did so while requesting almost 2,500 H1B scab labourers. This is the guy whining about an imaginary undersupply of tech workers. 

The claim that there exists some extreme undersupply of software or hardware engineers is comical. To even acknowledge the premise is to privilege this nonsense with a seriousness that it very much does not deserve.

Apparently, there has been something of a flame war on twitter x, between Americans and HB1-Americans.

I’m not going to catalogue this e-fight, although I do want to highlight this reply by “fellgets18.”

indians like me are ready to sleep in cars, work in a restaruant[sic] after working in a 150k white collar job, just to save that money and invest into stock market, live with 6ppl in a single bhk[sic] room. just bcuz we can adjust.. maybe this is why company hires me, and not u

I highlighted this because it shows what should be obvious, which is that these “highly qualified engineers,” are 85 IQ morons who write like particularly stupid third graders. These are not genius coders. These are not even competent coders. These people aren’t needed for anything or capable of anything but mindless drudgework. The kind of entry level stuff that used to be done by kids just out of high school. 

A great post from “EllipticBit,” 

I used to work at a Big tech name that everybody here would recognize, as both 1099 and W2. I’m also a born US Citizen.

Occasionally my employer would ask me to conduct interviews. The interviewee was always an Indian and the recruiter was always Indian. In each case I knew the interviewee was a fraud in under ten minutes.

How did I find them out? Because modern tech interviews are beyond retarded in the name of “anti-discrimination”. The reality is that you can get a job in Big Tech at whatever title level you want if you can memorize the answers to about a thousand puzzles. The puzzles are well covered by places like leetcode. In order to be non-discriminatory you are expected to use one of these approved puzzles.

I never did. My favorite question was to ask them to describe what Async/Await does in whatever language they were comfortable with. It’s a question that anybody who actually writes code for a living would instantly know the answer to. Not a single one could answer this question. I used other questions based on the level being hired for, but you get the idea.

I never passed an interviewee, and whichever company I was working for at the time would never ask me to interview again. These companies know exactly what they are doing. It’s not that hard for a competent engineer to spot the fraud. But you either play the game and pass the fraud, or you never get asked to play the game again.

I can determine if you’re a competent programmer, and level you against the role title, in about 15 minutes. We could easily do this in software if we wanted to. We don’t. And that says way more about the goals of the company and it’s recruiters that it does anything else.

Instead of our talented young people, these people get installed into these junior positions. Most stay there for the entirety of their careers. Occasionally, some get promoted into management positions, with predictably disastrous results

The door to young people entering tech has been closing for years. Now, thanks to Baysed Elon and the Brave Republican Party, it’s entirely slammed shut. 

We’re getting even more immigrants, because that’s what the people voted for, according to Elon Musk.

The silly peasants thought they were voting directly against that. They were very much mistaken.

Trump stabbed us in the back, again. Who could possibly have predicted this, other than everyone who has been saying this for the past six years? 

Elon Musk spent $44 billion purchasing a joke social media website. Then he got attacked by the ADL, and cucked to a level never before seen. He’s stooped to the level of censoring the account of that zionist Christmas market terrorist in Germany. 

This is what conservatism has to offer you. Even more migrants, but it’s good because *insertRetardedGibberish. No, you will not be getting an end to anti-White racism or child trannies. We have to support all that to Own Da Libs.



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  1. One of the benefits of understanding that “space” is fake and gay is that you no longer need canadian wordcount articles to clearly understand Elon Musk isnt your friend.

  2. It was more than a little depressing to see a cult of personality get built up around Musk.
    It was something of a Christmas present to see him self-immolate in such a catastrophically tone deaf manner.
    Elon has clearly underestimated just how pissed off White people are at the moment, and he insulted everybody’s intelligence by repeating lies that other elites have been repeating for decades.
    I’d like to say that maybe he will pause and reflect, but the fact that people who have pushed back at him have been losing their verification check marks tells me all I need to know.

    1. Anyone who thinks the mixed race mongrel Musk is a tech genius and a good guy is a certified retard. He has received billions in fed cash for decades, with almost nothing to show for it in terms of tech advancement. Decades after taking the helm of Tesla, his shitty fake cars still explode and burn on a regular basis. His fake space program brings nothing new to the table. The Asiatic, autistic mongrel and Kalergi clown Musk is the public face for a network in the background that is really quite evil, just as the freak Zuckerberg is. Trump, Musk, and Alex Jones are embarrassing cheap carny barker clowns that epitomize zombie Jewmerica. What a freak show.

  3. musk is an oligarch, oligarchs are the enemy of the white race no matter what.
    repeat, oligarchs are the enemy of the white race.
    simple as

  4. Finish your game

    1. I could not agree more. From now until it’s finished, this site is dedicated to Escape From Epstein Island.

  5. Maybe there is an ulterior motive at work?

    For example, Elon might be starting an independent gay porn studio, called ‘Jeeted.

    Also, there was a funny exchange between Elon and a presumably banned account. Elon, High Techno Priest of Bullshit bestowed the following wisdom upon the congregation of x-twits: “Believe what you see, not what you’re told.”

    Somebody responded: “Ok. I’ve been told you’re a genius but I’ve only ever seen you behave like a fucking moron.”

    I presume Musk is an actor being well paid, by someone like Larry Fink, to be the public face of whatever the grift of the moment is.

  6. I have to wonder if Indians were so talented, why is India such a polluted hell hole full of rape and crime, and they still don’t have functional sewers, something even the most rural of Americans have nowadays. Even before we had sewers we used outhouses which is better than pooping in the street. Also I have to wonder how brilliant people who use cow poop as a seasoning are, I’ve seen multiple videos of jeets smearing fresh cow dung onto tortillas like it’s butter and then eating it. Musk expects us to think they are geniuses but if they were geniuses India might look a little more like Japan or something and they would be happy where they are.

    1. The hilarious part is that he’s on the receiving end of (well-deserved) backlash for pissing on everybody’s face, and his response is to double down and piss even harder.
      Such chutzpah would be admirable if it was in service to a worthwhile cause.

      1. He would destroy America and turn it into India just for a short term profit of having cheap labor, as if he needs more money. Sickening.


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