Ex NFL player Phillip Adams had ‘unusually severe’ levels of CTE when he killed six people in April before turning the gun on himself, pathologists revealed on Tuesday as they shamed the NFL for allegedly ignoring his pleas for help.
In April, he shot and killed Dr. Robert Lesslie, his wife Barbara, two of their grandchildren and two HVAC workers at the Leslie home in South Carolina.
There is no motive for the attack and the only connection between them was that they lived close to each other.
And yet in a different article we see this.
South Carolina U.S. Representative Ralph Norman tells Alex Giles of WBTV that Dr. Robert Lesslie had been treating Adams, and that Dr. Lesslie had stopped giving Adams medication.
“He was treating him and stopped giving him medicine and that’s what triggered the killings from what I understand,” Norman said.
Norman, who posted a statement following the killings explaining that he was a close friend of Dr. Lesslie’s, said that the information supplying a potential motive came from law enforcement.

Philip Adams
So he didn’t “just live close to him,” he was a patient of Dr. Leslie’s. That Philip Adams didn’t just know the doctor who was treating him, but murdered him, and three other members of his family only after said doctor stopped treating him seems pretty relevant to the story.

Dr. Robert Leslie, along with his wife Barbara, and two of their grandchildren, nine year old Adah, and five year old Noah, murdered by Adams.
Adams also murdered James Lewis, a 38 year old widowed father of three, leaving his three children orphaned. Lewis was simply in the area, and White.

James Lewis, left, father of three
Unfortunately, we can’t prove any anti-White motivation, only that the DailyMail is lying.