Yesterday I did a quick scan of fox news, just to see what your annoying obese uncle is going to be talking about at Christmas dinners. You can find that here. At the end of that article I stumbled into a piece written by Newt Gingrich, entitled “Biden’s America faces devastating defeat by communist China,” and gave a little excerpt from it. Well, today we get balls deep in the elderly social club that is Conservatism.
The United States is drifting toward a catastrophic defeat.
I am talking about a defeat which will eliminate our freedom and permanently subordinate America to Communist China and its demands for absolute control and obedience.
The kind of hard hitting, fact free analysis that we’ve come to expect from Fox Jews.
You may think this vision is alarmist –
Psssh. Absolutely not. I think this is rational, grounded, and entirely sane. I also believe that Fox News is fighting the good fight on the goyim’s behalf against the Liberal Media That’s Too Mean to Israel.
-but look at the Chinese Communist Party’s control of Hong Kong, abuses in Tibet, and Uyghur genocide in Xinjiang.
I know, they’re horrible. Just this past May they murdered 232 Uyghur’s in East Jerusalem, 65 of them being children. And these beady eyed Chinese People held up signs saying “Death to Uyghurs,” and “Kill them all.” Absolutely sickening.

Chinese demaning the evil CCP murder all the Uyghurs.
For that matter, look at the giant, wealthy American companies that already kowtow to the Chinese Communist Party’s demands and adjust their language and behaviors to placate Beijing.
Governments bullying trillion dollar multinational corporations. How horrible. Imagine poor, well not poor, but you know really oppressed decabillionaires being told that they can’t simply abuse the peasants however they want. Muh freedom means billionaires get to do whatever they want with no repercussions from the peasantry.

Oppressed man, 200B net worth.
After pressure from China, Disney removed an episode of “The Simpsons” from its streaming services in Hong Kong over a reference to the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. Nike and Coca-Cola lobbied against legislation to ban imports of goods made with forced labor in China. JPMorgan Chase has expanded its business in China – despite known, serious data security and national security risks. And remember the turmoil when Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey tweeted support for democracy in Hong Kong. The NBA and players went into a tailspin of shameless apology and censorship on China’s behalf. It was disgusting.
There gets to be a certain point where I can’t keep the bit going. Imagine being a conservative. Imagine being this much of a pathetic bitch. Imagine seeing China, a country that doesn’t even directly have jurisdiction over these “American” corporations successfully bullying them into submission, and your thoughts aren’t “why the fuck doesn’t our fucking government do that,” but instead “oh noes Chyyyna bad muh freedoms are under attack, nooooo Chyyna Baaaaad.”
Some American billionaires have made so much money in collaboration with Communist China that they prioritize padding their pockets over American values and national security interests.
I’m going to need more Unimpressed Cat Face memes if I’m going to keep covering cuckservative content. There’s this thing about cuckoldservative bullshit that often happens where if I take it seriously I could write entire tomes on a single one of their faggot tweets. The above is a prime example.
First, the author of this piece, Newt Gingrich, is well aware the people hate billionaires. So of course he’s not proposing the Republicans or cuckservatives do a single thing to them, but trying to direct that rage into at best pointless aggression towards Chyna Bad. Second, what a shame that these billionaires have stopped promoting American Values abroad. So terrible. I guess they’ll just have to only promote American Values like child trannies and mass migration here at home.
Is Gingrich going after Israel for threatening America’s “National Security Interests,” by stealing our secrets and selling them to “muh China”? Of course not. Hell, does a country that has open borders even have such thing as “national security interests,” at all? No, but Gingrich would like to get you really angry about them regardless.
Similarly, a defeated America would be subordinated to the Chinese Communist dictatorship. Our words, behaviors, and institutions would constantly be molded to appease the paranoid dictatorship in Beijing.
Oh noes, not the dictatorship of Beijing. Nooooooo. Instead they should appease the dictatorship of a jew supremacist organization in the ADL that was literally founded so that jews can rape and murder 13 year old White Children without consequence, by framing other goyim for the crimes. Not muh heckin Chinkerinos!
Despite the extraordinary consequences of defeat, the American system is gradually drifting into a national security system that will clearly lose a major war with Communist China.
Don’t take my word for it.
Major American military leaders are already sounding alarms.

US Military Trannies.
Infantry and other combat veterans, as in the little peasants who hold the sticks and actually die in the wars that cuckservatives start on behalf of their jew nationalist masters have been “sounding the alarm,” since the 1960s. Go look up the Military Reform Movement in the US. But having nuclear weapons and parasitizing off the fading remnants of a productive White Supermajority gives you a lot of years of ruin.
At this point, even if Adolf Hitler was elected and started executing every single higher up in the military, along with every “defense” industry parasite it’s unclear whether there’s anything of value remaining. Trannies in an organization are not the sign of diminishing excellence, they are the sign that the organization must be completely destroyed and rebuilt anew.
As The Epoch Times reported this month, U.S. Space Force Gen. David Thompson warned that, “China could overtake the United States in terms of space capabilities by 2030 if America doesn’t speed up its development.
“The fact [is] that in essence, on average, they are building and fielding and updating their space capabilities at twice the rate we are. … If we don’t start accelerating our development and delivery capabilities, they will exceed us. And 2030 is not an unreasonable estimate.”

Newt Gingrich
Classic example of what I’m talking about. How much talent do you think actually exists at NASA anymore? We’re a long ways from 1969’s moon landing.
Despite this growing threat in space, when Vice President Kamala Harris chaired the administration’s first meeting of the National Space Council this month, there was not a single military issue discussed.
Beyond the rising vulnerabilities in space (and generals have reported that Russia and China engage the United States in space virtually every day) there is also a general crisis of our defense capabilities.
As Business Insider reported “The US military is changing the way it fights after it ‘failed miserably’ in a war game against an aggressive adversary who knew its playbook.”

Look at its face.
No military discussions were raised, because Globo Homo Schlomo have accepted, with the defeat in Afghanistan, that the US Military will no longer be fulfilling the role of Colonial War Machine. With nuclear weapons and a blue ocean navy, the US Empire can limp along as a terrorist threat to any upstart Goy nation that gets too uppity. As long as they can keep that threat somewhat alive, what do they need Infantry for? What do they need the entire army for, really.
The second part of the military, which is an institution of status and wealth, is now being maximized. So they want to shove as many pink haired trannies in the military as possible. It doesn’t matter. The aircraft carriers will still run for the next 20 years. And sure, they won’t win a war with Russia, or China, but having accepted that they’re enjoying sucking the US Taxpayer dry to the tune of over 1 trillion dollars per year.
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. John Hyten warned in a July conference: “Without overstating the issue, it failed miserably.”
Hyten explained that the wargame, which simulated a conflict with China over Taiwan, involved an adversary which had studied American conflict and warfighting for two decades. As he put it the fictional China “just ran rings around us. They knew exactly what we were going to do before we did it, and they took advantage of it.”
The real Communist China has similarly studied our military strategies, “with probably even more focus, with larger numbers,” Hyten warned. As he put it, we have to make serious changes because our ability to overmatch rival powers including China was “shrinking fast.”
Imagine being this delusional? Imagine thinking that the US Tranny Military Industrial Complex is still King of the Hill, but just needs some tweaks here or there to overpower actually serious nations.
Admirals who have led the American Pacific military commitment have also been vocal about the failure of our current systems.
According to The Guardian, now retired Admiral Philip Davidson, who was the 25th Commander of the United States Indo-Pacific Command, said in March that a serious fight over Taiwan could come in the next six years.
“I worry that they’re [China] accelerating their ambitions to supplant the United States and our leadership role in the rules-based international order… by 2050,” Davidson said.
If you read it, it’s for you. The real purpose behind all this “Chyna Baaad,” propaganda is to subtly reinforce the assumption in the readers mind that America is the world’s superpower. It’s not. China is not “going to become the world’s superpower by 2050,” China is already the world’s superpower as you read this right now.
Despite ostensibly being against Bangkok Biden, these cuckservatives never point out one of the most legitimately humiliating aspects of Biden’s tenure thus far, that Chinese officials have gone from being angry to just outright laughing at US Diplomats right to their faces. Everybody knows that the US Empire is dying, but these cuckservatives want to hide this from the viewer. Because “hey, our country was a world superpower, and now it isn’t,” is a very serious question that might cause people to start demanding some serious answers. Serious answers that this fucking Gingrich creep is very much not interested in providing.
We need a full-blown investigation into the requirements for victory over China – and a commitment to undertake every reform needed in defense, education, capital markets, supply chains, manufacturing, and other areas to ensure American safety and freedom.
Anything short of a complete rethinking of our capabilities and the challenge of the Chinese Communist Party’s system-wide effort to become the world’s dominant superpower may well lead to our defeat in a much shorter time than anyone thinks possible.
Our freedoms and our physical safety are at stake. This should become a major focus for 2022 and 2024.
One of the most influential books I ever read is the non-fiction comedy by Jeff Groom, pictured above. You can find it on amazon here. From the tagline.
Think the Marine Corps is a war-fighting organization? Think again. A Marine Cobra helicopter pilot finds himself off the coast of Korea taking part in a political exercise known as Ssang Young. The goal is to conduct a Marine amphibious landing. However, Captain Groom soon learns amphibious assault in practice is a dog and pony show parade, the likes of which even the Westminster dog show would envy.
I won’t give any spoilers, but I will say that the mock beach assault is one of the funniest things I have ever read in a book, and is merely the culmination of the absolute joke that is the US Marine Corps. And this was back in 2013.
I looked him up, and Groom writes for the American Conservative here. I may have to give his book a full on review one day, but for now all you need to know is that the military is a joke, it can’t win any type of war against China, and the billionaires who control America do not actually give a single fuck anyway. So this is all posturing for the middle aged chubster crowd so that they can pretend to feel power through the utterly imaginary might of the Tranny Enforcement Agency called the US Military.
From a description of the book by Groom: “he and his fellow troops come to terms with what they are really fighting for: keeping our Eastern allies safe enough to devote their time to making electronic crap that will pacify everyone back in the U.S.A.”