Earlier today I was surprised to see someone sharing the following image with me. I may not be Adonis, but I keep myself in fairly decent shape. Even still, it’s always nice to know what foods have been blessed by the medical establishment, and Tufts University appears ready and willing to help the goyim out in this age of rampant obesity.
Interesting stuff. Watermelon and Kale are the two healthiest foods followed by Frosted Mini Wheats. Then we have –
FROSTED MINI WHEATS? And almond M&M’s are ahead of eggs cooked in butter, ground beef, and cheddar cheese? Let’s take another look at this clown fiesta.
Hold on a second.
The Friedman school of medicine eh? Jaime, can you find some more information on this Gerald Friedman character?
To live healthy, the everyday is everything.
Dr. Gerald J. Friedman recognized this early in his illustrious 55-year career and pioneered clinical nutrition’s role in disease prevention. A brilliant and widely respected New York physician, Dr. Friedman specialized in diabetes and metabolism, endocrinology, cardiology and internal medicine. He spent his distinguished career caring for thousands of patients at some of New York’s finest hospitals and was fascinated by medical research throughout his life.
The foundation established upon his retirement in 1992 carries on this legacy to this day, led by Gerald and his wife Dorothy’s niece, Jane Friedman. Since he was no longer caring directly for patients, Dr. Friedman set out to support the work of researchers, their laboratories and projects in many diverse fields, most notably diabetes, through his philanthropy.
That’s a bit ominous sounding. Doctors do tend to be well off, but it’s something of a mystery how he managed to have so much money to spend on philanthropy that he’s become famous for it. Tufts is ranked around 50th for medical schools in the cursory research I did, so I doubt that he gave something like 10k to get their medical school renamed after him. To say nothing of all the mysterious “diverse” projects he gave plenty of money to.
The Institute also teaches patients, family members, the medical profession and the community how to prevent diabetes through nutrition, exercise and healthy lifestyle choices. Grants from government, industry and foundations allow the doctors and staff to advance the treatment and cure of diabetes thanks to the research lab provided by the Friedman Foundation.

Gerald and Dorothy Friedman
Well that’s not so bad. He worked trying to cure diabetes and other diseases, and he considered this work important enough to spend much of his own money on. I guess the “diverse projects,” they were referring to were simply mundane medical research programs. That’s not the worst –
In 2016, the Friedman Foundation emerged as advocates for the transgender community. An initial grant has enabled Dr. Poretsky to establish a Transgender Health and Wellness Program to begin meeting medical, social and legal needs and work toward providing barrier-free holistic care to the transgender community.
Oh, okay. That’s more like it. Friedman died in 2004, so it’s theoretically possible he had nothing to do with any of the tranny stuff. More likely the “diverse projects,” Friedman was interested in revolved around human experimentation, and his interest in medical history most definitely included Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Science.
These philanthropic endeavors form a living legacy for Dr. Friedman, transforming lives the way he did: every day.
So, frosted flakes are healthier than eggs cooked in butter. And almond M&M’s are healthier than ground beef and cheddar cheese. It appears that the Friedman School of Nutrition and Policy is as interested in destroying the bodies of the goyim through nutritional disinformation as they are through the more direct method of hormonal sterilization and mutilation surgeries.
We could stop here, bathing in the sweet serotonin release brought about through confirmation bias of this magnitude. And yet something about this story rubbed me the wrong way. It just seems a little too perfect, you know?
Especially since my introduction was through this tweet by this Max Lugavere character, and his proof is a screenshot, a type of “proof” that I’ve had to deboonk before. At the bottom of the page he lists the source as the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University. I was sceptical.
A sentiment shared by Christy Slater. Although Paige Knapp, who I’ll get to later, assures us that this is in fact real.
Scrolling down a bit further we encounter Ian Goudreau and Matteo, who agree that this is “misinformation.” And adding to this evidence, below I included a screenshot from Tufts University, which you can find here, where corn flakes are given a low score of 16. It’s hard to imagine corn flakes being given a low score, while frosted mini wheats are given an extremely high score.

This screenshot from Tufts actual site.
It appears these Reddit Soy Enjoyers have deboonked this ridiculous bit of fake news. Or have they?
Before I go any further, pause, take a minute, and figure out what you think is going on without doing any more research for yourself. To add some fuel to the fire, here are some screenshots of this Max Lugavere fellow.
What is the truth? What is going on here? It fell to me to actually look up the study they linked to in that tweet.
Nutrient Profiling Systems provide algorithms which are designed to assess the healthfulness of foods based on nutrient composition, and intended as a strategy to improve diets. Many Nutrient Profiling Systems are founded on a reductionist assumption that the healthfulness of foods is determined by the sum of their nutrients, with little consideration for the extent and purpose of processing and its health implications. A novel Nutrient Profiling System called Food Compass attempted to address existing gaps and provide a more holistic assessment of the healthfulness of foods. While a conceptually impressive effort, we propose that the chosen algorithm is not well justified and produces results that fail to discriminate for common shortfall nutrients, exaggerate the risks associated with animal-source foods, and underestimate the risks associated with ultra-processed foods. We caution against the use of Food Compass in its current form to inform consumer choices, policies, programs, industry reformulations, and investment decisions.
In other words, the Friedman School of Malnutrition came up with a ridiculous scoring system for food. They then plugged in the foods that gave the scores that appeared the most reasonable in the eyes of the public, to pretend that their garbage scoring system was legitimate. These critical academics did the opposite, plugging in the foods that gave the least reasonable results in the eyes of the public. So… the research team debunked this garbage nutritional rating scale after all, and the two soy boys were pretending that the debunking of Tufts wasn’t really a debunking by hoping that no one would click on that study.
But what does Tufts university have to gain by slandering animal based proteins? Are they simply a bunch of vegan animal rights activists? Paige Knapp’s podcast notes point us in the right direction.
As the world’s demand for protein grows, food production needs to keep pace. Now a team led by a Tufts professor has received a five-year, $10 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to develop an alternative food source: meat produced not from farm animals, but from cells grown in bioreactors.
The team, led by David Kaplan, the Stern Family Professor of Engineering, and his team of graduate students, will combine the efforts of engineers, biologists, nutrition researchers, and social scientists at Tufts and other universities, all in an effort to enhance food sustainability, nutrition, and security.
He says that this new industry could provide nutritious and safe foods while reducing environmental impact and resource usage—with a target of significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, land use and water use than traditional meat production.
Eat the bugs, goy. Live in the pod, goy. You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy, goy.
But before we leave I do have to revisit Max Lugavere’s original tweet.
Because I couldn’t possibly overdose on confirmation bias without Conservatives being stupid for no reason, I have to point out that I was correct earlier. The source for this is not the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. The source is the academic paper I linked to. Max Lugavere, moron, didn’t link to it, but I did.
So we have a philanthropic jew named Gerald Friedman. He generously donates his wealth to a variety of mysterious “healthcare causes,” and starts an organization that today, less than two decades later, is pushing junk nutritional science on the goyim, as well as tranny stuff, because of course. They also get $10 million grants that your taxes pay for to create mystery meat substitute products because something something global warming something something eat the bugs. Actual intellectuals destroy their fraudulent nutritional rating scale that exists to slander meat products, and conservatives get wind of this and push out sloppy deboonking with unnecessary factual inaccuracies and no actual links, only screenshots, because of course. Then some Reddit-tier soyboys deboonk that, by linking to the study that the conservative dipshit should have linked to, but didn’t, because it actually proves his point, because of course.
After a certain point it’s not confirmation bias, you’re just right about everything.
You really don’t need to expend any serious energy on this. Any study that rates “egg substitute” (i.e. fake eggs) as more nutritious as real eggs is self-debunking. Anybody who defends such obvious absurdity is brainwashed beyond help.
Also, obligatory chuckle at watermelon (the only fruit that niggers consume in appreciable quantities) getting a score of 100.
Philanthropist jew = oxymoron