Last week the chief electoral officer of Canada, Stéphane Perrault, recommended that Canadian federal election law ought to be changed to allow for the deregistration of political parties deemed “hateful.” This was merely one of several recommendations in a statutory report designed to allow the CEO to recommend desirable legal updates, but on its face it would appear to be the most controversial and banana-republic-flavoured.
What’s that you say Colby? You say Elections Canada and those meanie Liberals are just going to start banning political parties that they don’t like?
Well golly gosh darn it that’d be awfully rude of them. This sounds like a real issue that us koshervative should be getting up in arms over.
There are certainly some high-profile cases of nutjob political candidates getting into legal trouble, and in a few cases these have involved legal findings of hatred. But these problem candidates have often run for office at the municipal level, or as independents. The founder of the Canadian Nationalist Party is facing a fall trial for unlawful promotion of hatred, but the CNP was deregistered this spring for falling below the 250-member cutoff anyhow. (The system works!)
I’m sorry what was that Colby? What was your takeaway from Nationalist Travis Patron being oppressed by the government for his beliefs?
The System works!
I was forwarded this article by multiple people back when it was written, on June 19th, and even for some time after that. I considered writing about it, but then I got to this part and ragequit. I hope I don’t need to explain why him cheering on Travis Patron’s oppression for being too uppity towards jews discredits this entire whinefest.
And yes, it is extremely weird for me writing about someone named “Cosh.” I do have to wonder if we’re related somehow. If so, I appear to have gotten the good genes, because Colby over here…
In other words, if the chief electoral officer had gone to the trouble of supporting his quippy observation with pertinent evidence, it is not at all clear where he might find it. Nevertheless, Perrault observes that “When a party has as one of its primary purposes the promotion of hatred against a targeted group, there is at present no ground for barring the party’s registration, or requiring the party’s deregistration, under the Act.” Again, any group which had Criminal Code hate speech as its “primary purpose” would already be ipso facto illegal.
Wow, Colby, it’s almost like you just say “I’m being accused of breaking the law without being charged with breaking the law. Therefore the accusation is false.” And then you go through the legal fight and destroy these people in court.
If Colby’s argument is that the courts are rigged, then he should be telling people to go do targeted assassinations of people. What he should not be doing is whining in the National Post about this proposal that doesn’t matter.
If you have a political party that’s popular and you get taken to court for this bullshit and your party gets banned, then you say “look everyone, any actual political party will just be ruled illegal, this is a dictatorship,” and you’ve achieved the complete destruction of any veneer of legitimacy that our Fake Democracy currently enjoys. After that more immediate and serious political activism can be done.
Perrault seems concerned that he lacks a separate, independent authority to decide which political parties are safe to vote for. Which makes it a little surprising that he immediately disavows any such intention. To the great relief of the reader, Perrault insists that “It is not appropriate for the CEO (or the Commissioner of Canada Elections) to have a role in choosing which political parties are registered based on their political views, even when those views may be hateful. The CEO should remain strictly impartial in the administration of elections and the enforcement of the act, and it is therefore proper that the act not provide an election administrator any scope to make judgments about the positions of political entities in determining whether or not to register them.”
Here we reach a moment that will serve as a useful test: if you follow Canadian politics closely you will already know what is coming next. It’s obviously not appropriate for governments to have the power to abolish rival parties; the chief electoral officer dare not do it; so who will save us? Gold star if your answer was “The courts!” “(E)lectors,” Perreault dreamcasts, “could be given the authority to apply to a court when there is reason to believe that an organization seeking party registration, or that is already registered, has as one of its primary purposes the promotion of hatred against an identifiable group.”
The system that Perrault is proposing is indeed one where some random Antifa could potentially file a complaint that your party is too Uppity. Then some Antifa judge could agree and say that “yes indeed, we’ve got some uppity White People/Goyim/Concerned Parents promoting hatred against ThirdWorlders/ZionistNosePeople/Groomers,” and get your political party shut down after a trial. Yeah, this could happen. And if you don’t think that the government has a million ways of legally fucking with actual populist political parties already I don’t even know what to tell you.
Of course Colby the Faggot doesn’t mention that you can sue to have existing political parties deregistered as well. If he’s saying that you will never win in the rigged courts, then once again, the courts being rigged is a way bigger deal than some random laws.
Even with rigged courts the sheer delegitimization that someone like me could do to this totally illegitimate system through a suicide legal battle would be immense and irrecoverable. The reason why our parasite class pretends that we live in a Democracy is because if it was made clear to the people that no, this is actually a dictatorship, their heads would be mounted on sticks at the end of the week. The illusion of the people’s consent is crucially important to them, and if I start a political party that starts getting popular before being banned, I’ll consider that an momentous achievement.
Ultimately people are just going to nut up, and realize that eventually you may well need a trial by combat. But don’t think that’s unwinnable if you get sufficient numbers on your side, and your opposition is the pension seekers in blue in the RCMP, and the utterly laughable Canadian Military.

RCMP LARPing as real soldiers.
BTW, the NSDAP was banned in 1923. People who aren’t faggots find a way to succeed in the face of massive state oppression. The solution is to not be a faggot. Or in other words, be intelligent and have balls.
Colby Cosh in this very piece cheered on Travis Patron getting abused by the existing legal system with the already existing laws. I had many criticisms of Patron, what with him being a bit of a weirdo sperg, but I would never dream of cheering on the legal system oppressing him by saying “see, the system works.” But the faggot who’s whining about a proposed law, not even an existing law, a proposed law where you’d be able to take the NDP to court for promoting hatred towards White People, is celebrating actual nationalists already being oppressed by the state.
This is a bunch of nothingburger fear porn garbage.