Juden Peterstein and his uncensored YouTube channel are at it again goyim.

There’s a Telegraph article that accompanies this video, but it’s locked behind a paywall. Frankly, I just don’t care what this goofball says except for as content anyway, so I’m not signing up for their free trial.

Above is a collection of Peterson’s articles on Telegraph. Let’s see, we’ve got “muh totalitarian environmentalists,” whining about social media, pretending anti-Whiteism and pervertism are “left wing ideologies,” instead of simply racial attacks on White People and pedos getting what they want. Finally he reiterates his love of “freedom,” despite admitting all the way back in 2016 that he supported making it illegal to fact check the lampshadocaust

I don’t care that I don’t get to see what this fraud has to say about anything. It might have been moderately interesting to me as a teenager, but Peterson is such a pompous goofball that I doubt it would have resonated with me even then.


I’m sure we can all predict what was in that article. Peterson was pretending that the push by deca-trillion dollar financiers like Larry Fink of Blackrock for random Global Warming bullshit is really just the result of these “wokesters,” on college campuses with died red hair and body odour.

And I’m just not that interested, not even as content. 

Koshervatism exists purely to take up space, and get out in front of Whitey’s response to anti-“Whiteness,” or everybody’s response to child trannies, and make sure that it goes nowhere. Peterson is just the pseudo-intellectual form of this, where he lets some people who have IQs above room temperature pretend that you can be a smart person and a koshervative all at the same time.

And like I said, he’s been a meme for years, as these AI parodies from 2019 can attest to.

As for the actual video himself, just watch the first ten seconds.

Hell, here’s a transcript of the first forty.

Hello everyone. I’m going to read… to you today a piece I wrote for the Telegraph… in the UK.

Peterson delivers this stilted, halting, and yet admittedly prepared and scripted opening mostly looking at the ground in some sort of self-serious pose of pretend contemplation.

I’m reading it because… sometimes… rather than speaking spontaneously… it’s necessary for me to… craft my words with… as much care as I can manage.

I’m not exaggerating with these elipses. This is pure pain. Although at least he mixes it up every once in a while by actually looking up at some spot his producers marked on the wall well to the side of the camera.

‘specially when dealing with things that are…

pushing the limits of my conceptual ability, let’s say. Writing is the deepest form of thinking and… sometimes I need to rely on it.

That was forty seconds of my life that I’m never getting back. I could say that it doesn’t get any better, but I might be lying. After all, I’m not going to bother watching any more of this clown tediously spew whatever bullshit Benny Shapiro cooked up for him. I’ll happily take the risk that I’m missing out on some truly life changing content and end it here. 

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  1. that Mr. Jordan Peter Stein is looking pretty rough, he appears to have aged 15 years in the last five

  2. Here you go doc, the article in question behind the paywall but for free

    He mostly whines about Deloitte

  3. Globalists, back off! (as I work for the UN and speak at the trilateral commission)

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