Henry Cavill won’t be starring in Season 4 of Netflix’s “The Witcher.”
The streaming titan announced via Twitter on Saturday that the fantasy drama will be returning without Cavill.
After the third season debuts, Liam Hemsworth will step in for Season 4 to take over the lead role as Geralt of Rivia, a mutated monster hunter for hire.
“It’s official: The Witcher is returning for Season 4, and Henry Cavill will be handing his swords to Liam Hemsworth as the new Geralt of Rivia after Season 3. Welcome to the Witcher family, @LiamHemsworth!” the show’s official page wrote on Twitter.
I haven’t watched Netflix’s godawful adaptation of The Witcher, other than a few scenes that were so over the top with terrible dialogue and worse acting that it was physically painful to finish. There’s random mystery meats, usually black people, shoved in everywhere as a fuck you to Whitey, and they made Yennefer a Brown chick. Even aside from that, the people responsible for making the adaptation are objectively incompetent, and failed at basic storytelling despite already having the story written for them.
From earlier in the video above than the part I started from.
Because each hour long episode is split between three plots, that means that, on average, they have about twenty minutes to adapt the stories that, if they were faithfully adapted, would take about 50 minutes, or even more than the whole hour to do so. So they had to ask, what should be cut for the sake of time? It is an impossible question, and the reason is because if there are totally unnecessary chunks of the story, and nothing is lost because of their removal, then that story is written poorly in the first place because it had wholly redundant segments, which means it had a lousy story structure.
However, The Last Wish wasn’t written badly as every story is structured pretty well, and every moment does a great job of complementing all the other moments from the story, just like any well told story should. So here’s the dilemna they face, every part of the story is necessary to tell that story to its fullest. For every element they take out, the story will be worse for it. So, how can they take out around 50% of these elements?

Yennefer. She’s Indian now.
The people responsible for this adaptation are so idiotic that they gave themselves a self-imposed handicap of shoving three different short stories into a single hour long episode. Why did they do this? Because they’re gay retards, that’s why. Same reason why the Rangz of the Kangz writers failed so hard and so completely. Same reason Wheel of Time is such hot garbage. Incompetent dipshits being given free reign because they have AIDS does not make for a watchable product, even when given excellent source material.
You’d think, if they wanted three different POV characters, that they could just dedicate entire episodes to one single storyline or POV character. That would be the obvious solution, but I’ve learned to never underestimate the ability of incompetent and egotistical people to make head scratchingly dumb decisions out of absolutely nowhere.
Speaking of Rangz of the Kangz, I spent some time scouring the anus of the internet is Reddit while writing up my series on the show. While there I saw a few posts favourably referencing The Witcher. Even amongst the reddit troons, the adaptation is far from universally well received, but the one thing that everyone agrees on is that Henry Cavill is a perfect casting choice for Geralt of Rivia. It helped that he seemed legitimately enthusiastic and committed to his role.
Cavill also released a statement on social media, calling Hemsworth “fantastic” while sharing that he is “passing the torch” to the Australian actor.
“My journey as Geralt of Rivia has been filled with both monsters and adventures, and alas, I will be laying down my medallion and my swords for Season 4,” Cavill wrote on Instagram.
Let’s take a look at his instagram post directly.
Some news to share from The Continent…
My journey as Geralt of Rivia has been filled with both monsters and adventures, and alas, I will be laying down my medallion and my swords for Season 4. In my stead, the fantastic Mr Liam Hemsworth will be taking up the mantle of the White Wolf. As with the greatest of literary characters, I pass the torch with reverence for the time spent embodying Geralt and enthusiasm to see Liam’s take on this most fascinating and nuanced of men.
Liam, good sir, this character has such a wonderful depth to him, enjoy diving in and seeing what you can find.
Why would someone who seemed so outrageously enthusiastic about playing Geralt of Rivia turn down additional seasons of The Witcher?
Beau DeMayo, a former producer and writer on The Witcher, has claimed that some writers on the Netflix series “actively disliked” Andrzej Sapkowski’s books and CD Projekt Red’s games.
As reported by The Direct, DeMayo recently participated in a Q&A on his Instagram Stories where he discussed his role as showrunner on the upcoming X-Men ’97 Disney+ series. Speaking about how he assembled the production team for the project, he revealed that those involved “HAD to be a fan” of the material — because that hasn’t always been his experience.
“I’ve been on show – namely Witcher – where some of the writers were not or actively disliked the books and games (even actively mocking the source material),” DeMayo explained. “It’s a recipe for disaster and bad morale. Fandom as a litmus test checks egos, and makes all the long nights worth it. You have to respect the work before you’re allowed to add to its legacy.”
DeMayo served as a co-producer on two episodes of The Witcher’s first season and penned another story in the eight-episode block before returning as a writer on the second episode of Season 2. He didn’t mention any names and with several changes on the writing team each season, it’s unclear who he is taking aim at and whether those people remain on board.
Showrunner Lauren Schmidt Hissrich originally underscored the importance of the books and the original short stories when crafting The Witcher for Netflix. “We’re all big fans of the books,” she said. “We’re all big fans of the video games as well, but this is solely based on the books and that’s really where we drew our inspiration from – starting with the short stories.”

Lauren Schmidt Hissrich
The IGN piece referenced above dropped just a few days ago, and may have impacted his decision. We can clearly see that either Beau DeMayo or Lauren Schmidth Hissrich are lying. She says everyone she brought in loved the books, while he says that the writers openly mocked the original source material.
I haven’t followed the show, but the general complaints appear to be, in addition to the forced non-White casting, that the show went from being a bad adaptation in season one, to being Yennefer fan fiction in the second season. There appears to be little evidence that the showrunners have any respect for the source material at all, and have even killed off major characters in enormous retcons of Sapowski’s original work. This appears to have gone over like a wet balloon with the few book readers who still watch the show, and it turns out Henry Cavill is one of them.
Well, it’s been a while since then and fans have already gone through two seasons of The Witcher. If anything, Cavill has proven all his naysayers wrong, continuously giving Geralt his all and perfectly embodying the White Wolf despite his many complexities and subtleties. But another thing that fans really admire about the actor is his love for Sapkowski’s novels. Cavill has explained in the past that he wants the show to remain as loyal to the books as possible, and it seems that he’s even willing to go out of his way and get into trouble with the producers to make sure that that’ll be the case as the series plays out.
In a recent interview, the Man of Steel star broached this subject by revealing that at one point, he went in front of the camera and performed a few lines of dialogue from the books that didn’t make it to the script.
Rather than Blood of Elves, the scene in question actually takes place during “Something More” from The Sword of Destiny. Cavill took the opportunity to add in this dialogue during Roach’s final moments in episode six. “Enjoy your last walk across the meadow and through the mist,” he whispers to his dying mare, calling back to the same conversation with Death.
Of course, the actor further noted that as far as his influence is concerned, there isn’t much he can do when scripts are written other than making some minor changes such as this one.
“As far as my issues are concerned, a lot of meetings took place. On the other hand, I often just fiddled with dialogues, sitting in an armchair, while my make-up was applied,” he continued.
So far, we’ve rarely felt the personal touch of Andrzej Sapkowski in Netflix’s adaptation, but let’s hope we’ll get to see more of his beautiful prose in future seasons of The Witcher.
Henry Cavill apparently took a serious pay cut just so Netflix could afford to have him as Geralt, and by the sound of things, he’s gotten so fed up with the idiotic Globo Homo Enjoyers ruining The Witcher, despite his best attempts otherwise, that he had to bail. It’s one thing to take a pay cut for the opportunity to work on a wonderful project adapting a book series you personally love to the big screen, it’s quite another to take a pay cut and then slowly realize, bit by bit, that the showrunners have contempt for the source material and want to do their own thing, except they’re too incompetent to make anything decent on their own.
Typically I hate people who praise actors, but Cavill seems like a genuinely good guy. So it’s sad that his legacy is going to be playing Geralt in an unwatchably bad adaptation of The Witcher, and Superman in Zack Snyder’s terrible reboots. Poor guy deserves better, and we deserve better than these incompetent AIDS Enthusiasts ruining everything.
Henry Cavill is too perfect for this kike nonsense.