Why make another Christmas video when you can repost an old one? 

I’m still recovering from picking my sister up at 2:00 AM on Christmas Eve, so I’ll make this short. Actually, I’d make it short anyway. Whether or not you’re religious Christmas is a holy time, and that means spending it with your family, instead of online. I don’t say that as any sort of insult to you, the reader, nor am I dismissive of this site.

It’s just that this is a day for curling up with a hot drink by a roasting fire with a warm pet on your lap as you listen to a heated argument between your wine aunt and that one uncle. This is a day for having thirds when seconds would have sufficed, and stewing in your own discomfort and turkey scented sweat as you wonder if your belly is actually going to burst. This is a day for practicing your thespian skills as you unwrap presents that are more well-meaning than asked for. 

In other words, it’s great. I’ve always loved Christmas, and I have to get back to it now. I’ll see you soon.

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  1. Best of the Christmas season to you!

  2. I recognize that Ahrtwerk! A part of me wishes that the scrawny kid would land his dream admission to Kunstschule… that’s not how the dice rolled.
    But I am, after all these years, increasingly impressed.

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