NY Post:

The Justice Department on Thursday evening released a long-awaited trove of documents related to notorious sex predator Jeffrey Epstein, including his contact list, flight logs and a list of evidence the government amassed against him.

But the much-hyped, roughly 200-page document dump provided no big revelations, instead listing celebrities and politicians who were already known to have palled around with the notorious pedophile.

Who could have predicted this?

I’ve spent an hour or two on a number of different articles in the past few months, but it always ends up like this. What’s the point in covering current events when they’re this fake and gay?

The list is not “a client list,” but includes names of people on Epstein’s vast contact list.

Others include Harvey Weinstein’s brother Bob Weinstein, industrialist David Koch, the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), actor Ralph Fiennes, Kerry Kennedy, lawyer Alan Dershowitz, John Kerry, actor Dustin Hoffman, businessman Jon Huntsman, Ivana Trump, Ivanka Trump, and model Liz Hurley. President Trump’s name was not in the contact list.

Also in the binder were Epstein’s “Lolita Express” private jet flight logs — which have previously been made public with redactions. One section of the binder was completely redacted as it contained the names of Epstein’s victims.

Jaime, do we have a screenshot of these blacked out files?

Good thing that the trustworthy and honest feds redacted an entire section of the binder. That must have been because the entire section was nothing but lists of victim names, and didn’t make it clear that this was an Israeli blackmail operation.

The logs showed pilot David Rodgers’ signature for the flights. Rodgers has previously testified in court about what he witnessed during his time flying Epstein around.

Two copies of Epstein’s “little black book” had already been made public with 349 names of associates from the 1990s. One copy went up for auction.

It’s just ridiculous the way that zionist media talks about what is obviously a Zionist/Jew Supremacist/Israeli blackmail operation. How they bloviate their concern for the victims, yet aren’t the slightest bit interested in talking to Maria Farmer.

If only there was something going on here other than underage prostitution.

Iran can’t keep getting away with it!

I got the above from Jake Shields twitter account. Scrolling down his feed, we see that Jews now have a task force that will arrest uppity Goyim throughout America. I wonder how they managed to get that through congress. Definitely not by using blackmail combined with bribes. Heavens no!

Shields also points out that Maxwell’s spy father was a textbook magnate.

I decided to look into that, and found a USA Today piece headlined “False claim Ghislaine Maxwell’s father owns textbook firm; he died in 1991 | Fact Check.” Then you actually read their own article and yes, this zionist Jew spy was a majority owner of a textbook company used in 92% of school districts. 

USA Today:

Robert Maxwell was “one of the most powerful publishers in Britain and the world” before he died – after going overboard on his yacht off the Canary Islands in November 1991, according to a New York Times obituary

“No textbooks published during that window of time 30 years ago would be in print any longer,” Reed said. “Mr. Maxwell was not part of the editorial team tasked with creating learning materials.”

Additionally, the post claims McGraw Hill textbooks are used by all schools in the country, which is wrong. The company’s website says 92% of school districts use its materials. 

The “fact check” is that Robert Maxwell died in 1991, and only virtually everybody uses McGraw Hill textbooks, instead of literally everybody. Thanks, Ghost of Kiev Hallucinators. Imagine thinking that the Mossad controls your child’s mind after that fact checking!

Mossad agent Robert Maxwell spent over fourty years as a multi-billion dollar per year publisher. I personally believe that he published this anti-White screed, I just can’t verify it myself, because it’s difficult to find out the specifics of his business. If only we had real investigative journalists, instead of mouthpieces masquerading as truthtellers.

Anyway, that’s the Epstein Nothingburger. I only covered this because I’m making a game called “Escape From Epstein Island,” so I felt that I had to. More interesting things are happening, such as Kanye West once again straddling the line between hilarious activism and meltdown. 

Apparently he took out a superbowl ad that directed people to his site which only sold one shirt, the one that he’s modeling below.

In hindsight, I probably should have covered this one.

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