It has come to my attention that the Georgians recently did something entirely unacceptable. On their October 26th federal election, they overwhelmingly voted for a party that the genocidal zionists Morally Superior Upholders of Western Civilization are not enormous fans of.
The Progressive Baby Killers wasted no time threatening Georgia with sanctions.
All the other vassal states joined in, because the people were crying out for sanctions on Georgia. I’m over here in Canada, and on the tip of everyone’s tongue was “we must sanction Georgia for their human rights abuses and disregard for the rules based international order.”
Apparently the US sanctioned Georgia last month, and imposed travel bans on Georgian Dream politicians – the current and incumbent ruling party – in May, and further travel bans in June. Keep in mind, this is the same regime which gives billions to Human Rights Respecter Israel.
US Department of the Treasury:
WASHINGTON — Today, the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned individuals who have undermined fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, in Georgia. Specifically, the Department of the Treasury sanctioned two Georgian government officials associated with brutal crackdowns on peaceful protestors and political opponents, and two private Georgian citizens that are responsible for or complicit in, or have directly or indirectly engaged in violently suppressing the exercise of the freedom of peaceful assembly of Georgians engaged in the democratic process and peaceful expression. All four individuals are being designated pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13818, which builds upon and implements the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act and targets perpetrators of serious human rights abuse around the world.
I’m getting pretty tired of Global Magnitsky.
When researching this Sergei Magnitsky fellow, I stumbled upon a 2015 article in The Jewish Chronicle, screencapped above. I am more reserved with respect to Putin, but I do enjoy the kvetching. Also, the main Jew behind the Global Magnitsky act is, as you might imagine, indistinguishable from a Julius Streicher parody.
Vladimir Putin is no friend of the Jews. So says William Browder, the American-born Jewish tycoon who describes himself as the leader’s “number one enemy” in his book: Red Notice.
Browder, 51, is on a mission to bring down the Russian president, the feared leader who has helped transform this world-renowned financier into a leading human rights activist.
I have come to meet Browder, the founder of investment fund Hermitage Capital Management, who made his fortune as the largest foreign investor in Russia until 2005, at his central London offices.
He earned that fortune, Goy. He wisely allocated societies precious resources to BLM, child transgender surgeries, and Israel. Now he’s adding even more value to your worthless lives with his human rights freedom activism.
Ever since he was deported from Moscow in 2005, he has set his sights on exposing corruption in Russia and Putin, whom he once supported, as a: “sociopath”, “cold-blooded killer” and “criminal dictator who is not too different to Hitler, Mussolini or Gadaffi”.
With undertones of a thriller, Browder tells his (almost unbelievable) story through his book. After his expulsion, the Kremlin served an unsuccessful red notice (similar to an international arrest warrant) to Interpol against Browder – indicting him for tax evasion in absentia. In turn, Browder hired a legal team to protect him. One of those Russian lawyers, Sergei Magnitsky, discovered that officials had stolen $230 million as part of an elaborate tax fraud.
“My finances were sent to a room with a bear and an eagle. The bear ripped my stock portfolio to shreds, while the eagle picked at the physical bars of gold.”
As a result of the exposure, Magnitsky, a 37-year-old father of two, was imprisoned and tortured for 358 days and in 2009, brutally beaten to death.
There is no evidence for this other than their claims.
In 2013, a Russian judge sentenced Browder to nine years in jail in absentia and a dead Magnitsky was posthumously convicted of tax evasion.
“He has got a lot of allies in the far-right who are virulently antisemitic,” Browder hits back. “Putin is pretty smart about who he should or should not alienate. He knows that, if he alienates Jewish people, he alienates a very powerful group of people around the world.”
He continues: “Putin has sent over several thousand troops to Syria to effectively engage on behalf of Bashar al-Assad.
“He was one of the people pushing hardest for sanctions to be lifted against Iran.
“I do not see how that makes him a friend of the Jews and Israel. Supporting Iran and Syria – I would say that makes him an enemy of Israel. Just because he has attended a synagogue, that does not make him a friend of Jewish people.”
“Oh Gawd, the geopolitical considerations of my genocidal ethnostate.”
He reels this off calmly, almost too calmly. “When you are doing this for as long as I have, you become inured to the fear,” he explains. “As a famous Mexican revolutionary once said: ‘I would rather die standing up than live my life on my knees’. I won’t live my life cowering in fear.”
Browder has a revolutionary air; which is unsurprising given his background. His grandfather Earl Browder was the leader of the American Communist Party and twice ran for president. But, as a teenager, Browder chose a unique route to rebel against his parents.
“I figured out that the best way to rebel from a family of communists was to put on a suit and tie and become a capitalist! For many years, my parents had a hard time with that,” laughs Browder, whose company was at one time the best performing investment fund in the world.
Can you believe that some evil natzees online keep saying that Jews are behind both capitalism and communism? There’s no reason –

“So, my parents were all communists, but here I am in the world of finance…”
It’s almost like economic spergery is nothing more than chaff that exists to shit up political discourse with meaningless nonsense.
But now, that world has been put behind him. “Business was fun and interesting but it doesn’t create the same moral satisfaction as fighting for justice,” he says.
Browder now lives in London. He married his first wife in Marble Arch Synagogue and his son was barmitzvahed; a ceremony he never had.
“I am a British citizen with an American background,” he concludes. “I feel a mixture of everything. I’ve lived half my life in America and half here. My accent and many mannerisms are American, but when I’m there I also feel foreign.”
“This is a classic Hollywood good versus evil tale, the true story of one man’s fight for justice – and there’s nothing more compelling getting some justice in a highly unjust world.
It really is a classic Hollywood tale alright.
I couldn’t get the Early Life on Sergei Magnitsky, but he was just an accountant who probably died of natural causes, so it’s not really that germane. Anyway, we have to circle back to the latest sanctions placed on two Georgian Dream politicians by the US Treasury Department, using the Global Magnitsky Fuck The Goyim Act pushed for by The Eternal William Browder.
On May 28, 2024, despite weeks of mass protests against the proposed legislation, the ruling Georgia Dream party passed a law titled “On Transparency of Foreign Influence,” known colloquially as the “foreign influence law,” that Secretary of State Antony Blinken has stated would stifle fundamental freedoms, including media freedom. It also runs counter to values which bind Georgia to Europe and the European Union. This law requires non-governmental organizations and outlets, including media organizations, that receive more than 20 percent of their funding from foreign sources to register as organizations “pursuing the interest of a foreign power.”
Behold, the Aryan Warrior ensuring Georgia remains bound to Europe, instead of the Asiatic hordes of Russia.
During the protests that occurred prior to passage of the law, security forces from the Ministry of Internal Affairs Special Task Department (Special Task Department) violently targeted Georgian citizens, political opposition leaders, journalists, and youth activists who were peacefully expressing their views. This violence was overseen by the Chief of the Special Task Department, Zviad Kharazishvili (Kharazishvili), and his Deputy, Mileri Lagazauri (Lagazauri).
The protests were, frankly, very gay.

“Artists Against Russian Law…”
However, they weren’t nearly as “fiery, but mostly peaceful” as the BLM chimpouts of 2020, or even the Iranian Pussy Revolution of 2022, so I guess ZOG couldn’t get away with that in Georgia.
Again, these ziotifas were protesting a bill that doesn’t even outright ban foreign organizations.
The law would have required media and nongovernmental organizations that receive more than 20 percent of their funding from foreign sources to register as “agents of foreign influence.”
I cast around for a friendly Goy who was relatively fluent in Georgian politics, and eventually I was put in touch with a man who had personally recorded video in Tbilisi of what became of these protests after FARA (the foreign agents bill) passed in May. This is from approximately two months ago.
The tiny collection of lumpenproles – the guy on the left is literally wearing a cape – holding up five flags. The flags are, from our right to our left, Georgia, the European Union, Israel (of course!), America, and Ukraine. The girl in the pink shirt is just another bystander walking by with her boyfriend.
The violence perpetuated by the Special Task Department included the brutal beatings of many attendees of the non-violent protests against the new foreign influence law, including Georgian citizens and opposition politicians. Kharazishvili is well known for his punitive actions against political opponents and has been personally involved in the physical and verbal abuse of protestors.
Thank Yahweh we have the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act to spare antifas the human rights violation of being verbally abused by a Government that doesn’t immediately cave to their massively unpopular demand to let foreign NGOs operate unlabeled as such. International Finance Capital has spoken, and it says “trans rights are human rights, no borders no nations, and Greater Israel has a right to defend itself.”
Back to the US Treasury Department.
Konstantine Morgoshia (Morgoshia) is a founder of Alt-Info, a media company which he used to amplify disinformation and spread hate speech and threats against marginalized communities. In July 2021 and 2023 he advocated for violent attacks against marginalized persons peacefully exercising their fundamental freedoms of expression and assembly and led hundreds of followers to break into non-governmental organization offices and attack journalists and police officers at the scene.
Zurab Makharadze (Makharadze) is a media personality associated with Alt-Info and is one of the most vocal supporters of violence against peaceful demonstrators and marginalized Georgians. He directly encouraged violence against minority groups and journalists online prior to the violent attacks on marginalized communities and helped to direct, organize, and fundraise for the anti-human rights violence in 2021 and 2023. During the attacks, he led a group to clear out protestors from in front of the Georgian parliament and then instructed followers to go with Morgoshia to attack the non-governmental organization offices.
Smashing NGO offices is something I very much disavow. However, if Steven Crowder forced me to play devil’s advocate for a second here…
Who knows what I could be bullied into doing.
Acting in parallel to anti-queer campaigner Guram Palavandishvili and his group, Alt-Info claimed to be responding to a calls from the Georgian Orthodox Church to gether[sic] on Rustaveli Avenue to prevent the planned Pride march. While the Church made several appeals against the violence throughout the day, many priests joined the rally with some openly calling for violence or participating in it.
Aesthetics have always been more important than optics.
This had better have fucking happened.
Alt-Info successfully penetrated the TV sets of Georgians in January, soon after Facebook removed most of the accounts associated with them in October last year and deleted more in July.
The queers did not ask for this particular kind of penetration, but some of them are into it purely for the humiliation angle.
Let’s pump the breaks for a second. On one hand, it’s possible that a bunch of priests beat up (((journalists))) and antifas on behalf of the New Hitlers in the Georgian Dream party. On the other hand, zionists will whine about milquetoast Israel slave politicians all the time. I bet that you could even find them calling Benjamin Netanyahu an anti-semite, and found the following in less than a minute.
The truth is probably somewhere in between, with the Georgian Dream party, and these activists, being a great deal more effective and populist than anything happening in the Anglosphere right now, while being something of a disappointment. For starters, below we see Konstantine Morgoshia in a TRUMP 2020 hat. I’m not saying that his heart isn’t in the right place, but there’s a whiff of something I’m not entirely thrilled about.
Secondly, the “journalists” photograph showing the propagandists getting their asses beat only shows a crowd and two guys possibly about to rain down blows on something.
Their whining about NGO activist tents being destroyed is “proven” only by this picture.
Finally, in my correspondance with the Goy mentioned earlier, the one who took the video in Tbilisi of that protest, he said the following about Georgian politics.
In Tbilisi itself – I have spent more time than I would have liked too in that city. Altogether over the past few years I have spent roughly 7 months total – the city has EU flags everywhere, lots of antifa stickers and graffiti rainbow flags, fag shit, “We are Europe” was a popular slogan i would see graffitied on walls. You also have a lot of anti russian graffiti and stickers. “Russia is an occupier”, “Fuck ruzzia” “go home russian pigs” ect.
There are a lot of fucking jews too because I saw a lot of “Fck hms” stickers and I would see protestors with Ukrainain and Israeli flags all the time. When you drive into Tbilisi proper from airport one of the first things you see is a giant wall and that wall has a big Ukrainian flag, nato flag, and Israeli flag LOL.
“FCK HMS” is not a misspelling. From the eponymous website.

The president of Georgia is some French broad, literally not even Georgian and she is huge EU voice. Salome Zourabichvili, the prime minister, to my understanding at least was more moderate on the Russia / EU question.
The Georgian Dream party is a party that wanted to put Georgia first. They’re seemingly pretty moderate. They put in a FARA act in order to stop outside influence and money from outside bad actors (The USA has this too and it applies to everybody except Israel) and they also accused the USA and NATO of wanting to use Georgia as pawns against Russia like they have Ukraine and that Georgia is a sovereign nation and that Georgians will not be American lapdogs to be sacrificed for American hegemony.
Well Georgian Dream won the elections and in typical western democratic fashion, the USA and EU didn’t like the results and claimed it was fraud. the winners of the democratic process are apparently “a threat to democracy,” despite the fact that they they counted twice and Dream won even after all the outside votes were counted and largely supported the opposition party.
Now the opposition are calling for mass protests and told not to accept the results of the election. I said before if the Georgian Dream party was serious they would utilize their support base as well as the state and get ready to go to war in the streets with the opposition but they did none of that and cucked on everything in typical center right conservative fashion.
It would not surprise me in the slightest to see a center right servative coalition cuck on everything, but I’m not sure I agree with that assessment. Georgian Dream remains in power, protests are a meme, the May protests (yes, over allowing foreign NGOs to operate without even being labeled) totally failed, and the Georgian Dream Government supplied their riot officers with even more equipment.
Back in May there were clashes with riot police, who responded with water cannon, tear gas and force, as Georgians tried to stop the government pushing through a Russian-style “foreign agents” law targeting media and civil society groups that have foreign funding.
Ultimately the protests failed and the EU froze Georgia’s bid to join the 27-country union, accusing it of democratic backsliding.
The government has clearly prepared for further protests. Last week it emerged that the interior minister had bought new water cannon vehicles and other equipment for riot police, including lethal weapons, for use “when it becomes necessary”.
Still, I reached out because I was unfamiliar with Georgian politics. I decided to skim the Wikipedia article on the election to gleam any further insights.
The ruling Georgian Dream party sought to win its fourth term in office. Its founder Bidzina Ivanishvili, an influential oligarch and a former prime minister often regarded as the country’s éminence grise following his official departure from politics in 2021, returned to politics several months prior to the polls to lead GD in the elections. The Georgian Dream campaigned on “safeguarding peace” through a “pragmatic policy” with Russia amid the war in Ukraine, socially conservative policies, particularly the recent “LGBT propaganda law”, outlawing those opposition parties which they accused of “dragging the country in the 2008 war with Russia” and instituting a “system of violence and torture” during their rule, joining the European Union whilst “playing by Georgian rules”, and restoring the country’s territorial integrity, with Ivanishvili making overtures to the Kremlin, and calling for an apology for Georgia’s role in the 2008 war. Opponents of GD, on the other hand, have focused on criticising what they describe as pro-Russian shift of the party and its unwillingness to fullfil the criterias set by the European Commission for EU accession, campaigning for the European Integration.
The Georgian Dream managed to secure victory in the election, garnering more than 53 percent of the vote, while the four major opposition coalitions which agreed on not cooperating with the Georgian Dream in the parliament through Georgian Charter, received 37.78% in total. The Georgian Dream was strongest in the rural areas, particularly in the Mingrelia, Samtskhe-Javakheti, Kvemo Kartli, Svaneti, Racha-Lechkhumi, Guria and Adjara regions, but lost the capital Tbilisi and also Rustavi to the opposition, while being relatively close to losing other major cities as well. In the capital, it received 42% of the vote, while the four major opposition coalitions combined received 46% plus 5.3% of the libertarian Girchi party. The Georgian Dream also dramatically lost to the opposition among the Georgian diaspora. In contrast to the 2020 Georgian parliamentary election, the UNM-led Unity – National Movement coalition declined dramatically, losing half of its votes, partly to the new Coalition for Change alliance, which was established few months prior to the election by former UNM members. Lelo-led Strong Georgia coalition also managed to improve its results due to inclusion of various small parties in its alliance.
For the record, the LGBT Propaganda Law is decent.
Wikipedia (Georgian LGBT propaganda law):
The proposed changes include outlawing “alternative marriage unions” other than that of a man and a woman, banning adoption of a minor to people who do not identify “as their gender” or are not heterosexual, prohibiting all surgical operations or medical interventions for gender reassignment, and prohibiting putting any gender “different from his/her own” on any state or identity documents.
A gay adoption ban would have avoided this horrifying story. Banning sex mutilation surgeries is a no-brainer. Banning the pronoun bullshit is an important symbolic victory.
The changes also include restrictions on promoting information popularizing “a person’s belonging to a gender different from his or her gender, same-sex relationship or incest” in the educational institutions, or promoting such information via media, radio or television broadcasting, or advertisements. According to the Chairman of Parliament, this provision would be restricted by “a prohibition on illustrating an intimate relationship between same-sex couples or incest through media”. The package would also restrict public gatherings or demonstrations aimed at promoting gender identity, non-heterosexual relationships, or incest, and void any public or private institution of labor obligations “aimed at neglecting biological sex”. Finally, the package would also designate May 17th as a holiday for the “sanctity of the family and respect for parents”.
Although according to the polls most of the Georgians support the European integration, most Georgians don’t share the EU’s cultural liberalism. According to the 2021 International Social Survey Programme (ISSIP) study, 84% of the Georgian public thinks that sexual relations between two adults of the same sex are always wrong, which is the highest score in Europe. Per World Values Survey study published in 2022, 91% of the Georgian public thinks that homosexuality is not justifiable.
In short, The Better Guys won this election by utterly crushing the Urbanite and the rootless cosmopolitan, who want (((foreign organizations))) to push for war with Russia while chopping the dicks off of ten year old boys. They’re far from perfect, but I’d be a lot more receptive to “Lesser of two evils” arguments if the ostensibly less evil side was actually going to keep us out of wars and ban cultural AIDS.
Also, their supporters are cute.
I’ve spent hours doing a deep dive of recent Georgian politics, and that led me down a rabbit hole from the 2008 Georgian-Russia war to modern Ukraine. That article ended up being many times longer than this one, so I decided to stop here and publish that as a separate piece later.
Good article, im looking forward to the 2008 war article as well.