You may remember a few days ago I wrote about the bizarre Rebel Media story, where two grifting homos exposed (((Ezra Levant))) as being a shekel grubbing grifter. Then I wrote the followup, with Levant calling in Milo Yiannopoulos to catfight the other homos away. Well at the time I said I was going into more depth on the Levant Apology video, and here it is.
As before, please note that this apology video is not hosted on Levants (((Rebel Media))) YouTube page. His channel hasn’t been censored, and in Milo’s article he even has this video embedded, and we can see it is no longer available.
At the time I said that Levant probably took the video down quietly when nobody was looking. This is not the case. The video is still up on his YouTube channel, and it has almost a quarter of a million views.
Sadly YouTube has just disabled visible dislikes, possibly even as of today, so we can’t quantify just how disliked this really is. But we can take a look at the comments. It would have been too damning for Levant to disable the comments, but maybe he should have, because they are not flattering.
For those who can’t remember, here is the video produced by the homophiliac former Rebel Media employee Caolan Robertson. I reproduced it on my channel.
There were some very explicit claims being made by Caolan Robertson. One such claim, referenced in the comment picture above, is that Lauren Southern quit (((Rebel Media))) because Levant demanded that she ask for money for an Israel trip. Since they already had the money, Southern said no. In response, she was promptly fired by Levant.
The claim, if true, is some sort of weird parody of disgusting Schlomo behaviour. First of all, doing a trip to Israel in and of itself is pretty absurd, but to demand the goyim pay for that is something else. Beyond that, Levant gets the good looking Goyess to lie to the other goyim and tell them they need to give more shekels. When she says no, he fires her, pays a little bit of hush money, and makes her sign a contract to STFU or he’ll sic his lawyers on her.
As for the video itself, well I’ll start from the very beginning and break down the relevant parts. It starts off with Ezra Levant loudly swallowing. It’s gross, and could have been edited out, but it’s there. Then he proceeds to say.
I’ve had a rough week. No, it’s not what you think it’s not because the liberal media is criticizing us for being too right wing that happens all the time.
The LiBURaL MedIa is OvenINg mE FoR my unREPenTEnt VieWs On iSRAeL goYIm.
After he proceeds to pretend to the goyim that he’s on their side against the hated media, he admits that he’s being blackmailed. In fact he even admits that he’s already paid said blackmailer. Then they went back asking for more money, so he decided to admit to what they’re blackmailing him for, after putting his spin on it.
Levant talks about Tommy Robinson, and I just need to quote this next part to you. You can see it around 1:15 in the video.
But Tommy [Robinson] actually quit the EDL [English Defense League], the organization that he founded when it started to become racist. Tommy hates racism. I’ve gotten to know Tommy and his best friend from childhood Andre, who just happens to be black for heavens sake.
Tommy has an important story to tell, about how Islam has changed his country, raped many young girls including his own cousin. He’s wringing the alarm, but not just about Islam. Also, the politically correct police and media, and politicians.
So little Tommy Robinson, real name Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, quit the EDL because it was too mean to non-White people. But he’s also this brave warrior against political correctness.
Yeah sure, okay Ezra. As mentioned in the earlier article, Robinson thieved a bunch of money from working class English People, and then just… didn’t. Instead he made a shitty documentary about some jew who feels moderately afraid for his life.
That came in 2018, but in 2017 Robinson still had a shitty cinematography setup, according to Levant. One day Caolan Robertson shows up, and provides high quality lighting and cinematography for Tommy’s videos. Apparently this didn’t raise any flags, or worry anyone. Nobody asked any questions.
The next day, Caolan told Levant that he was fired from his full time job because he had helped Tommy Robinson in a video. Levant claims he immediately hired both Caolan and his boyfriend George on the spot, without background checks, or even verifying that story in any way.
Only after hiring them did they realize that the two were a couple, but as Ezra says “that doesn’t matter to me.”
I mean, homos are renown for being catty amoral backstabby people who should not be trusted. Not all, of course, but it’s a bit weird that a (((far-right))) content producer is pretending that homos don’t matter in a situation where, at least according to him, he was the victim of extreme grifting and catty behaviour.

Background checks? But they look so trustworthy.
Levant then proceeds to describe some EXTREMELY homosexual behaviour from the two. Mooching for money in the middle of the night. Asking for help paying rent and then going on a luxury vacation. Quarreling together and missing work. Doing side projects instead of real work.
It’s certainly plausible that two homos with a history of this type of behaviour would do all that and more. But as I’ve always said, even if literally 100% of what Levant says is true, the sheer incompetence it takes to hire these two without doing background checks, and then continue to work with them WITHOUT DOING BACKGROUND CHECKS after the first few problems arise beggars belief.
After three or four months Levant decided that he’d had enough, and was firing them. He claims that despite firing them for cause, they decided to give them severance. After all, this was “only a few bucks.”
In Robertson’s video he claims that he was offered 20,000 pounds severance. That’s about $30,000.00. And the same for George. 60k sounds like a lot to me.
So how do we reconcile these two claims? After all, if it was truly just a few bucks, would Levant be making this video?
As Levant continues.
But then they demanded thousands and thousands of pounds, for severance. After just a few months? Now that makes no sense.
But my old friend told me it was necessary to make some problems go away. I couldn’t believe it, but my friend said it was really, really important.
How fucking stupid does he think the goyim are? Nobody with any real life experiences think it’s normal for employers to “have a friend,” tell them to just randomly pay way more money to someone they’re firing “because trust me bro it’s really important,” and not think they’re getting blackmailed.
The comment section loudly agrees.
At about 6:20 he gets into the blackmail. Levant pretends to be incredulous that the two would claim he was stealing people’s donation money and giving it to the company. He then proceeds to go through some ridiculous examples that, I don’t know, are supposed to make people think he’s not grifting their donations.
Video starts from the relevant part.
You see, “everyone knows,” where the donation money goes. Except that, as Robertson rightly pointed out, literally nobody but Ezra and maybe an accountant know, because it’s not transparent. And Rebel Media explicitly pockets the excess donations.
But Levant has an INB4 on that, from about 7:10 onwards.
And our terms of service on our website are clear. Any surplus money is applied to similar campaigns or related expenses. That’s our whole business model. That’s not a secret, that’s… our model.
He proceeds to pretend to be offended that Robertson would dare suggest Rebel Media is pocketing the excess. But I mean, they literally are. “Related expenses,” is an extremely ambiguous term, that could easily justify paying whomever whatever salary, as an expense.
Despite what Ezra claims, it is not common knowledge that this is in fact (((Rebel Media’s))) business model. To ask for donations for something and then use those donations to pay for company expenses, salaries, and the rest, is deliberately hidden or at least downplayed by Levant.
Worse, since Rebel Media is not registered as a charity, they have even less oversight than typical charities. Nor does Levant in this video ever quantify the percent of donations that actually go towards the thing he’s telling people they will go towards.
But Levant gave into this blackmail, accusing him of a thing he didn’t do. Riiiiiight.
Take a minute to think of what excuse Ezra Levant used to justify giving into this blackmail, despite doing nothing wrong.
An accusation from a former employee would be deadly. Especially with the LiBurAl MeDIa so eager to smear us. It’s a madhouse.
I’d really wish it if the meanie liberal media stopped ovening this innocent jew. He is not guilty of stealing the goyims donations and pocketing them. But he has to give in to blackmail that claims this, with no evidence, because the meanie liberal media is is just so eager to smear him. Fucking liberal media that’s too mean to Israel and also jews.
Levant then continues with a “I’m just a great friend,” routine that is so unbelievable I almost wonder if some small part of him has a shred of honesty or integrity and is trying to self-sabotage. You see, he just had to pay money for Tommy Robinson. It was standing up for Tommy Robinson who was being accused of some things that he also was 100% innocent of. But Levant got on a plane immediately and flew to London and then paid thousands of pounds to “buy their silence,” in his own words.
He even makes a big show of pointing to Tommy Robinson’s name on the legal document he drafted up. We the audience can’t verify this, and I’m a little thunderstruck either way.
The meeting in London is also where the recording of Levant happened. Because Ezra Levant is such a fucking moron that he didn’t even entertain the possibility that the two catty homos who were extorting him might record the conversation. And then the video ends.
Once again, there were multiple specific claims made by Robertson in his expose video, and none of them were addressed. He claimed Lauren Southern was fired for refusing to thieve money for the goyim for the Israel trip. Levant never so much as mentions this. Robertson claims that Rebel Media already makes enough to cover costs before donations, but pretends otherwise. He claimed that Rebel Media set up a crowdfunding for Laura Loomer’s legal defense for rushing the stage of some anti-Trump shakespeare play… before she had actually done that and needed legal fees.
He said Rebel Media claimed they needed $25,000.00 to produce a documentary on the persecution of Christians in Iraq… and then never produced said video. But they did produce a series of short videos from Iraq… asking for money. And the videographers were told that they shouldn’t even leave their cars to go talk to people, because that didn’t directly produce money.
None of these claims are addressed, and as I pointed out initially, and others even in Levant’s own comments section point out, Levant is extremely litigious. And yet he’s not suing Robertson and his tranny boyfriend for defamation? And not just not suing them, but paying them “hush money,” to “buy their silence?”
Okay, Ezra.
So Ezra is basically the stereotype we all expected.
As far as his YouTube channel goes, they have 1.5 million subscribers, yet get only about 5k views per video, with many getting far less. So weird how this far-jew maverick never gets the censorship we get, despite also being a fraudster.