Indigenous RCMP officers could soon pair the red serge with a ribbon skirt — if it is approved as a ceremonial uniform.

An RCMP review began in 2019, but calls to add the cultural garment have been renewed, sparked in part by 10-year-old Isabella Kulak, a member of Cote First Nation, who was the catalyst for a national ribbon skirt wearing movement.

In December 2020, Isabella wore her ribbon skirt to school in Kamsack, Sask., for a “formal day,” but was shamed about her choice by an educational assistant, who suggested her outfit didn’t match and wasn’t formal enough.

What Whyte Supreemacy has done to these Abo Children of Colour is unfathomably shocking.

On Jan. 4, after the holiday break, Isabella went back to the school, proudly wearing her skirt once more.

That prompted an outpouring of support from people around the world, who posted photos of themselves wearing ribbon skirts in support of Isabella. She even drew acknowledgement from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who called her “courageous” during a January news conference.

Finally! Finally someone had the courage to do what the privileged class supports. Not like all those disgusting ten year olds who get censored by trillion dollar multinational conglomerates for fact-checking war propaganda. I’m talking real courage here. The courage to do what international finance capital tells you to do.

Isabella’s story also resonated with Insp. Honey Dwyer, a 26-year RCMP veteran who is in charge of Saskatchewan’s Indigenous Police Services Unit and a Lac La Ronge Indian Band member. 

Earlier this month, Isabella and her family met with Dwyer and two Kamsack RCMP officers as the 10-year-old was made an honorary member of Saskatchewan’s Indigenous women’s advisory committee.

“She’s brought attention to others who are non-Indigenous to see what the ribbon skirt represents and that we should have pride in that ribbon skirt,” said Dwyer.

Dwyer created the advisory committee — made up of six Indigenous women and two-spirited individuals — in 2019, as the police organization worked toward its reconciliation strategy. It is the first and only Indigenous women’s advisory committee for the RCMP, she said, noting she’d like to one day see a national counterpart.

Two spirited means bisexual or perverted in some other way that I fully support. Yes! We need more of this from the coloured victims of brownness.

Isabella was presented with an RCMP ribbon skirt made by Dwyer, along with gifts from Ottawa that included ribbons and a blanket. She was also invited to attend the committee’s next meeting.

“Just the excitement in her eyes when she opened that box was just like, wow — because I didn’t even know what was in the box. So it was nice,” said Dwyer.

The meeting was originally going to include officers from Ottawa, but was adjusted due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Covid-o-caust kills again. Personally I think that the police should have simply taken the mass deaths that would have inevitably come with showing up at some girls house. A few casualties are nothing in the war against the Goyim of Hate.

Isabella called the meeting a highlight of the past six months, in the wake of that initial school incident that kicked off a wave of change.

In that time, she has been nominated for a “Strength of Our Women Award” in the youth category, which celebrates the contributions of Saskatchewan First Nations women; appeared on the cover of Kci-Niwesq, the Native Women’s Association of Canada magazine; and Sen. Mary Jane McCallum put forward a bill in the Senate to establish Jan. 4 as “National Ribbon Skirt Day.”

Yet another green-eyed Abo girl. Although we see from the pictures that her mother is at least an actual Aboriginal. Even still, Aboriginal “advocacy,” in Canada is such a great example of Schlomos creating a golem specifically to hurt Whitey. We saw that with them trying to force Haitian “Aboriginals,” onto the Aboriginal Basketball Team against their will. It’s just like they’ll use Azov Battalian goyim to advance their goals. This all gets very tiring.

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  1. Consume thumberg and get excited for next thumberg

  2. The RCMP getting involved in a school dress code dispute – my tax dollars hard at work, I see. No real crimes anywhere up north I guess.

  3. The green eyed comment shows just how misinformed the author of this article actually is. As a white All-American male (Royal Scottish Ancestry mind you), I’m sick of being kicked in the dick by the USA’s Affirmative Action Laws and anti-white male rhetoric being spewed. Tired of 1/2 truths & 1/2 stories/info by Lib Media profiteering BLM. This doesn’t pertain to this story but you guys should know the actual numbers easily found on the net: Death by cop ratio is 4 (YES FOUR) whites to 1 black. Yet never mentioned by FBI gender stats: violent crime rates of 62% black:27% white (found 1/2 those were really Latino). Now to this story, I’m not sure of Canada’s treatment history of it’s Natives, but the US’s is absolutely abhorrent. From brief stays in 1500’s & 1607 Jamestown, VA (my family in 1624) thru 1850’s and the Trail of Tears we killed over 90% of their population by massacre, spreading our filthy diseases, theft of their land cutting off or extincting their food supply. We told them they’d have to move West of the Mississippi River then less than 25 years later, we took that land from them. Now hears the REAL kick in the NUTS, Natives weren’t granted citizenship UNTIL 1924. WHAT THE HELL? Weren’t they here FIRST (60k years according to skeleton found in Chesapeake). Oh yeah here’s something else to wrap your brain around, they weren’t guaranteed the right to vote until 1962, ALMOST 100 YEARS AFTER BLACKS!!!! Wait ONE more time, WEREN”T THE HERE FIRST!!! If anybody on this continent is OWED something it’s Native Americans PERIOD!!!! Now to what drove this long winded rant….. GREEN (Olive/Hazel kinda not the bright ass Irish color) eyes are very common amongst Native Americans, atleast the East coast tribes of the Iroquoian language family!! Which I’m sure the Canadian Indigenous on the East where part of the Iroquois Nation!!!! I appologize profusely for going off tangent and being long winded, but we’ve mistreated Natives long enough!!!!

    1. Sorry no way to correct but should be “media of” before FBI.

    2. Get a load of this faggot.

      1. To whom are you refering? Because if it’s me I assure you I’m not. Secondly as retired NSWG-2/ Team 2/ Alpha Unit, I’ll post my address and DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU TO SAY THAT WITHIN ARMS REACH OF ME!!!!!!

        “My Trident is a symbol of honor and heritage. Bestowed upon me by the heroes that have gone before, it embodies the trust of those I have sworn to protect. By wearing the Trident I accept the responsibility of my chosen profession and way of life. It is a privilege that I must earn every day.”

          1. Are asking if my response to you calling me a faggot is satirical or stating that your article is? I assure you mine is TRUTH and in the future I advise that you refrain from calling someone that in the future unless you know them. I’ve beat 350 lb (160K) men to within an inch of their life for less. I suspect you are young and still finding yourself and you use words to belittle someone because it makes you feel bigger. Now don’t misunderstand I’m all for freedom of speech, but I’m not the type to sit back and let anyone run their dick lickers, especially one that doesn’t know me, without some type of reprisal. Piece of advice be a bigger man, show the world by ACTION not words. Leave this world better for you being in it. Words are easy, but they rarely if ever leave a lasting impression. Calluses and sore muscles from helping your fellow man will always earn respect and rememberance.

            As we say on the Teams.. “The only easy day was yesterday!”

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