
The word “Groomer” is trending on Canadian social media today, as more people reshare and echo recent anti-trans statements from a variety of prominent American conservative figures. Hardly a new phenomenon, accusations of grooming children for sexual exploitation and pedophilia have been a cudgel used against the 2SLGBTQ+ community for decades.

2SLGBTQ+. I assume the + stands for HIV positive.

In 1961 the PSA film “Boys Beware” portrayed homosexual men as pedophiles who groom young boys, and homosexuality as a mental illness. Today, the far-right and their fellow travellers in the so-called Gender Critical or Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist movements use the exact same tropes in a bid to deny equal rights to trans persons.

I’m sort of at the point where I’m not really interested in even countering this garbage, but I guess I still have to. How exactly is preventing boy hungry pedos from grooming young children denying trannies equal rights?

I get that these are the types of statements that are simply accepted in the kinds of echo chambers these kinds of people live in, but it still needs to be pointed out. You not letting them abuse children in a variety of ways will be reframed as you denying these children their rights.

CAWSBAR, a prominent Canadian anti-trans hate group, deploys both tropes. 

Sorry, what was this, CAWSBAR?

I’ll have to look into them. They’ve just been endorsed by Globo Homo Schlomo.

They retweet comments like: “They turned a mental illness into a civil rights movement, and made failure to validate the sufferer’s delusion a hate crime. As a result, children are being sterilized, and young people are having healthy body parts chopped off. If you speak out against this, you are a bigot.”

Jesus, did I write that? Hold on goyim let me reuse a meme that I just used.

Everything about that comment was perfect and I genuinely wished that I had written it myself.

And, in the context of education about trans identities in schools: “Groomers never admit that they’re grooming.”

I’m getting hyped for this CAWSBAR group. Expect a writeup incoming.

Christina Pushaw, a media strategist and spokesperson for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, describes it as an “Anti-Grooming” bill on Twitter.

“If you’re against the Anti-Grooming Bill, you are probably a groomer,” writes Pushaw.

I have to say, that’s some solid rhetoric.

“or at least you don’t denounce the grooming of 4-8 year old children.”

Yes. Yes. Press the attack. Force them to defend themselves as disgusting child abusers in league with pedophiles.

Silence is complicity.

Oh fuck yes baby. Throw that phrase back in their cunt faces. Make them eat it.

This is how it works, Democrats, and I didn’t make the rules.”

Oh, FFS. Alright well just know that this is all much ado about nothing. Ron DeSantis is a completely fake piece of trash, and the purpose of this is to do nothing, while also eventually losing in court.

They do include this nice picture of an anti-pedo protest done out side of Disney property in Florida. It’s nice to see, although being run by Republicans it’s unfortunately not going anywhere.

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