Just checking in with the anti-White crusade in BC again.

Chilliwack Progress:

The Alberni Valley Bulldogs staved off elimination in the BC Hockey League playoffs with a 2-1 win over Langley Rivermen on Friday, April 22 in Port Alberni.

The celebration was short-lived, however, after the Bulldogs’ colour commentator made a racial slur about a player on-air and was kicked out after the second period.

The Bulldogs were leading 1-0 at the 13-minute mark of the second period when Bruce MacDonald made a racist comment about Langley Rivermen forward Owen Kim. The comment was heard by 93.3 the PEAK radio listeners as well as BCHL TV viewers, who quickly took to Twitter to voice their displeasure.

A league official notified Bulldogs’ president David Michaud about the comments just before the end of the second period. “Jointly we decided on the spot Bruce would be removed from the broadcast,” Michaud said after the game. MacDonald has been banned from any future broadcast involving the Bulldogs or any other BCHL team.

If you’re wondering what this comment was, you’re not going to get to hear it. Nobody ever actually makes mention of his comment at all. This is by design, in order to create a culture of fear. They can massively over-react to this poor White Man’s comment, and it makes the natural outrage at his treatment blunted, because nobody really knows exactly what he said.

“(Bruce) gets very passionate about the games, but what he said tonight was completely unacceptable,” Michaud added. “We have a 70-foot banner hanging in our arena that says there’s no place for racism in hockey. We acted quickly to make sure we stand behind those values.”

Just in case you didn’t quite get that this was racially motivated against poor Bruce, they have a 70 foot banner that says “no Uppity Whiteys welcome here,” in so many words. And no, I can’t find pictures of Bruce MacDonald or David Michaud online. This isn’t a big enough story, and those names aren’t unique enough.

The Bulldogs and BC Hockey League issued a joint statement after the game, apologizing to Kim and his family “as well as anyone else who may have heard the comment. We have a zero tolerance for this type of behaviour,” the statement read.

Bruce MacDonald

Well it turns out that I could in fact find a picture of Bruce MacDonald, by looking at other propaganda pieces. Not only that, but I managed to find the entire horrifying verbal assault on this young comrade.

I’ve made a transcript of his horrifying utternance below.

Bruce MacDonald: “Aw, Kim, give him a break. Get on a ladder and talk to him. Anyway, push the pace, they’re going to draw penalties for sure. Does he speak English? Maybe that’s the problem.”

(Play-by-play Guy)Evan Hammond: “Okay, come on now, that’s too far,”

MacDonald: *laughs “Okay, that’s wrong, that’s too far.”

I 100% guarantee you if he had said something similarly tepid, or even a whole lot less tepid, about a Russian born player, or even a player with a Russian last name, he’d be getting celebrated by these same people. If he’d literally said of some guy named Owen Kalashnikov “does he even speak English,” that they’d either ignore it, or celebrate it as really taking it to Bad Man Putin.

The PEAK 93.3 FM, which broadcasts the Bulldogs’ games, also offered an apology to Kim, his family, the Bulldogs and the BCHL for MacDonald’s comments. “Racism has no place in hockey. Racism has no place on our radio stations nor in our company,” said Rob Bye, general manager, Vancouver Island for Pattison Media Ltd. “We stand with the BCHL and the Alberni Valley Bulldogs,” Bye said.

Unfortunately MacDonald himself apologized. Never do this. Never apologize. If you want to see it, it’s below.

Not much I can do about this other than document it.

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