JTA — Over more than a decade, Rabbi Michael Harvey built a reputation for himself as a Jewish spiritual leader who talks freely and openly to Christians.
In addition to his day job as a chaplain at Indiana University Health, the Hebrew Union College graduate produces a YouTube series called “Teach Me Judaism,” delivers talks on Judaism across the Midwest, and co-hosts a podcast and event series with a local Episcopal priest called “A Priest and a Rabbi Walk Into a Bar.”

Rabbi Mike Harvey
I’ve vaguely heard of this guy before, but never written about him. He’s pretty disgusting to look at, and I vaguely remember him pushing some subversive garbage. Can’t find anything concrete though.
In a previous congregational role on the US Virgin Islands, he founded the Interfaith Council of the Caribbean, and he even has a book coming out — “Let’s Talk: A Rabbi Speaks to Christians.”
All of which made a series of posts from Harvey’s Twitter account last week, in the immediate aftermath of the leaked draft of a Supreme Court ruling that would overturn the abortion legislation Roe v. Wade, so surprising.
“Time to go to war,” one post says. “For our mothers, sisters and daughters. We will not stand idly by and allow a group of white Christians to turn America into the Dark Ages again. Not this time.”
Rabbi Mike Harvey serves as a great example of zionist infiltration into a political movement. When it doesn’t matter, sure, maybe he’ll say the right thing. When it actually does matter you’ll see their true colours as they stab you in the back. And notice of course, he specifies “white Christians.”
Remember, jews are a race of people, not a religion. All jew activism is racial, first and foremost.
Another sent that same night, which Harvey said he didn’t write, was even more explicit.
“F–k Christians and their neverending imperialistic, nationalistic, fascistic patriarchy that puts peoples lives at risks [sic] and doesn’t give a s–t what anyone or science says,” it reads, with the profanities unedited. “Shame on all who hold the cross. 2,000 years of your genocide continues tonight.”
Head on over to Rabbi Mike Harvey’s twatter page and you’ll be greeted with this. This is basically the zionist version of being cancelled on twitter. It doesn’t matter what they say, the ADL will never have them censored. But eventually they reach critical levels of goyim knowing that they have to self-isolate to make their online experience semi-usable. This effectively puts them in the same type of echo chamber that people who actually get censored get put into. Except that instead of rightfully complaining about trillion dollar multinational corporations oppressing them, they instead start whining about how the goy-peasants were being too uppity.
What happened next was a case study in 2022 Twitter, which is filled with political activism, trolls and the constant chance that one wrong move could have major consequences.
Some of Harvey’s liberal supporters, both Jewish and Christian, expressed support for his messages. But the posts also prompted anger, including from antisemitic corners of the Internet who circulated them as evidence that Harvey fit into their hateful conspiracy theories about Jews conspiring to attack Christians.
Those goyim conspiracy theories might as well be full on confirmed scientific theories at this point.
Over the next few days, Harvey apologized for “my rage filled tweets,” saying they were “inappropriate,” while also telling his followers that he had been hacked. He then retweeted a series of violent threats made against him.
So he tried two contradictory defenses of himself, that he was hacked and that he made a whoopsie. Then he played the victim. At some point in the future he changed his twatter account to only display to his echo chamber.
Eventually, he deactivated his Twitter account, which had 6,000 followers, and left his job with IU Health.
“Well, this was a mess,” Harvey told JTA.
Instead, he said, a group of white nationalists and so-called “traditional Catholics,” who promote antisemitic ideologies labeling Jews as eternal enemies of Christianity, had been organizing on sites popular with online trolls, including 4Chan, in an effort to destroy his reputation.
As we saw with cHadrian ovening Mary Lemanski’s CDBaby career, online activism has its limits, but it’s far from useless. Good on 4Chan and whomever else that got this disgusting anti-White and anti-Christian jew to lose his job.
UPDATE: Credit to Vaticant on telegram for giving me these archived tweets of his.
That last one is crucially important, as it confirms that this activism resulted in him losing his publisher, in addition to ragequitting twitter.