Originally published November 23rd, 2023.
After being fired from Scream 7 over comments she made on the Israel-Hamas war, Melissa Barrera isn’t backing down.
“Right wing” zionists like Benny Shapiro and Dennis Prager are quick to remind us that Hollywood is a “left wing” institution. Therefore, we should be able to predict with great accuracy the gist of what Melissa Barrera said that got the “wokies” of Hollywood so upset. I’m thinking that she courageously supported Israel, a beacon of Western Civilization, against the filthy Palestinian loving Hollywood executives.
She was let go from the latest installment on Tuesday over pro-Palestinian statements made on social media that the production company, Spyglass Media Group, viewed as antisemitic.
H-how could this be?
I just don’t understand, Goy. Time and time again all these “left wing” institutions are not simply not supporting Palestine, but actively oppressing the anti-genocide activists trying to get Jews to stop killing kids in exactly the way they go after pro-White activists. It just doesn’t add up.
On November 23, she shared a flurry of posts to her Instagram stories. One such post was a quote from singer Nina Simone that indicates why Barrera continues to share her thoughts on the ongoing conflict.
“An artist’s duty as far as I’m concerned is to reflect the times,” the quote read.
The actor also shared a post in reference to the fact that Israel agreed to daily four-hour humanitarian pauses in northern Gaza. Israel told the United States that it would announce the pauses three hours before they start.
The post said: “Don’t let this ‘pause’ fool you, stop you or confuse you. Ceasefire now, end the occupation forever. Don’t stop pushing for [a] real sustained end to this violence. Keep marching, keep calling, keep posting, keep shutting it down.”
Barrera also shared a video from the non-profit organization IMEU. In the clip, a member of the press is filming as the bodies of Palestinian people in plastic bags are being buried. Text over the video read: “More than 100 Palestinian bodies are being buried in a mass grave in Gaza. Israel has killed so many Palestinians, they’re not even able to get a proper burial.”
Lastly, she shared a post quoting the Government Media Office in Gaza’s claim that the Palestinian death toll has reached 14,532, with more than 7,000 missing beneath the rubble.
I’ve been informed that Hollywood is totally not controlled by zionist Jews, so this doesn’t make any sense to me. It would make perfect sense if we simply accepted the premise that anti-White Hollywood is run by Jews, but that’s just what Natzees want you to think, so it’s safe to disregard that hypothesis entirely and not engage with material reality. However, once we’ve done that, I’m finding that it’s really difficult to make sense of this, or predict anything.
Luckily, I just received notification that a former Obama aide named Stuart Seldowitz has caused quite the kerfuffle for his recent comments, also pertaining to the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Considering that Obama was a RadICaL lEFtiSt, I’m sure that this Seldowitz character must have violently attacked a bunch of innocent zionists who just want to be left alone to live their lives and genocide in peace.
Former Obama adviser Stuart Seldowitz has been caught in another outburst in NYC as he asked Russian diplomats if they were ‘one of Putin‘s prostitutes.’
Russia‘s ambassador to the United Nations Dmitry Polyanskiy told the outlet he and his team were ‘harassed by him for more than a year and we couldn’t identify him.’

Stuart Seldowicz
This makes perfect sense. Stuart Seldowitz is your typical WhiTE LiBUraL, replete with a seething passion for Russia. I’ll bet he bases his foreign policy off of wahmenly concerns like child murder.
The outlet shared footage of Seldowitz saying: ‘Is that your whorish colleague? Are you one of Putin’s prostitutes? Are you proud of your country killing all those innocent children?’
I predicted thith!
Apparently he had another outburst before this one, as referenced in the Daily Mail article. Considering that he’s berating Russian diplomats for accidental child deaths during the Russia-Ukraine war, I’m sure that he’s going to be apoplectic over the intentional child murders done by Israel.
Can’t wait to see what this bleeding heart White Liberal named Seldowitz has to say to these patriotic Jews he’s no doubt harassing.
The boss of the street food vendor who was racially harassed by former President Barack Obama‘s National Security Chief Stuart Seldowitz says that he wants to ‘slap’ the ex-government official with a lawsuit.
Earlier this week, Mohammed Hussein, 24, told DailyMail.com that he did nothing to provoke the abuse he suffered from Seldowitz and has now been left fearful to go to work.
Hussein said on Wednesday morning that the harassment began two weeks ago, when he claims 64-year-old Seldowitz started targeting him at random, asking him where he was from and then scolding him about the war with Hamas in Israel and Gaza.
Mohammad said the incidents began at random on November 7.
When DailyMail.com visited the cart on Wednesday, there were no pro-Palestine flags or posters there.
Owners insist they have never displayed any kind of political posters or messaging, and that they just want to ‘serve the community’.
‘We’ve been here for years and we have no issues with anybody. We have been here since the [Q] train opened so around six or seven years, and we’ve had zero problems.
‘Our staff have any criminal records, no issue with anyone, we’re all well-educated,’ he said.
Seldowitz, he said, approached at random and started asking him where he was from.
He then began berating him about the war, and accusing him of supporting Hamas.
In one video, he threatened Mohammad: ‘I’ll send your picture to my friends in immigration. The Mukhabarat in Egypt will get your parents. Does your father like his fingernails? He’ll take them out one by one.’
In one of his most abhorrent remarks, he said: ‘If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, it wasn’t enough.’
W-w-what???? This WhiTE LiBUraL is threatening this Brown Goy with deportation, bragging about how the Egyptian intelligence agency will torture his father, and talking about how the Jews haven’t murdered enough Goy children. B-b-but, this goes against all the principles that he no doubt holds near and dear to his heart! What. Is. Going. On. Here?
Hussein said on Wednesday morning that the harassment began two weeks ago, when he claims 64-year-old Seldowitz started targeting him at random, asking him where he was from and then scolding him about the war with Hamas in Israel and Gaza.
Oh, he’s just a Jew, and all the anti-White shit he pushes as a “leftist” is just him being anti-White as a racial strategy. Every principle that these zionists pretend to adopt, in this case even being against child murder, is to be discarded faster than a used condom when convenient.
And it Just. Keeps. Happening. with these “leftists.”
Time and time again the pushers of anti-Whiteness are also Israeli Superfans. That includes all the bleeding heart “immigrant rights” organizations.
As well as supporters of all (((NATO))) actions.
It’s unclear exactly the scope in which Seldowitz served during the Obama administration.
He also assisted former Secretary of State (((Madeleine Albright))) during negotiations for the Dayton Accord in 1995, othjerwise known as the Bosnian Peace Agreement.
Seldowitz’s professional biographies have now been scrubbed from the internet, as have his children’s.
It may get tedious seeing me hammer this home in article after article, but it’s important to show that the principles that the butthole-left pretends to believe in really deeply when attacking Whitey are nothing more than cynical rhetorical tricks designed only to waste your time. Nothing they ever say should be responded to on the object level.