If you tune in to Discovery Channel’s Shark Week coverage, you might get the false impression that all sharks are dangerous and all shark experts are white men.
Okay, who wrote this?
Ah right, Sheena. Yeah she’s… exactly what you’d expect.
We’ve been exposed to her work before. Not good gentlemen. Not good.
A new study looked at more than three decades of Shark Week content and found that the vast majority of experts shown were white men. What’s more, the tone of the coverage has tended to focus on the most dangerous shark species, often playing up people’s fears of the endangered ocean predators.
I wonder if it is an intentional strategy by the author of this piece to throw two different and equally ridiculous things in there simultaneously. I’ll get to the anti-White aspect later, but I love how they’re Wow, Just Wow’ing over Shark Week focusing on the most dangerous sharks. This is obviously because those sharks are interesting. Nobody cares about some three foot long shark that eats mollusks when we have gigantic kill monsters like this one literally swimming themselves out of the water.
But no, instead we have to focus on the dwarf lanternshark and other boring Sharks In Name Only.
“The message that they’re sending, whether it’s intentional or not — and it probably isn’t — is that we’re going to keep featuring the same people, they make for good television, and we’re not as worried about presenting good science or really accurately representing the folks that are doing this work,” co-author Lisa Whitenack told As It Happens host Nil Köksal.
Like many shark scientists, Whitenack grew up watching and loving Shark Week. But when she thinks back, she can’t remember seeing many people who look like her or her colleagues.
“Unfortunately, my memory was correct. It is a lot of men and a lot of white folks,” Whitenack said.

Lisa Whitenack
I can’t remember seeing too many people who look like you in day to day life, Ms. Whitenack. If you’re looking for a show where you have representation, try one on bottom feeders or perhaps deep sea anglers. I might be confusing her with someone else, but I distinctly remember Discover Channel featuring her in one of their other sea life documentaries.

Ms. Whitenack, 2015. #nomakeup
I for one thought it was nice that they were giving these folx the representation they deserved.
Co-author David Shiffman, a conservationist at Arizona State University, noticed that Shark Week has featured more white men named Mike specifically, than it has women — period.
Wait a second.
David Shiffman.
According to another study co-authored by Shiffman, more than half of the members of the American Elasmobranch Society — an academic group that supports the study of sharks and other fish — are women, and one in four members are Black.
Thanks, Shiffman. Really giving us the hard hitting important scientific journalism that shows there being too many Jews in academia doing pseudo-intellectual anti-Whiteness.
The study found “fear-mongering language or negative portrayal of sharks” in 73.6 per cent of all episodes, often centring on shark attacks and shark bites. In reality, shark attacks are statistically rare, and almost never unprovoked.
And when they aren’t provoked, I’m sure you still did something to deserve it.
By the way, that CBC article they link to is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read.
Dropping the phrase “shark attack” is a great way to change the narrative about the much-maligned sea creatures, says marine scientist Toby Daly-Engel.
Last week, the Sydney Morning Herald reported that scientists in two Australian states are moving away from that term in favour of more neutral language, like “bites,” “incidents” or “negative encounters.”
The story drew swift mockery online, as well as backlash from an organization that represents people who have been injured by sharks.
But this is being mocked quite a bit, especially the suggested terminology, “negative” shark “encounters.” Isn’t a shark attack sometimes just a shark attack?
Actually, most shark attacks are what we call provoked, meaning they are instigated by humans. And so the notion of a shark attack kind of conjures an attack out of the blue by some sort of mindless, bloodthirsty predator. And in reality, that’s not it at all.
Most things that get labelled by the media as shark attack are things like people poking sharks underwater, chumming where people are swimming or doing other things that really create a situation where somebody might be hurt by a shark.
I’m sure that’s why so many surfers get attacked by Great White sharks, Tiger sharks, and the occasional Bull shark. It’s because they keep poking them.

Obviously photoshopped if you’re concerned.
Considering you’re more likely to get struck by lightning … than bitten by a shark, considering you’re more likely to be killed by a vending machine than a shark, I think that there is very little chance of this type of measure minimizing shark attack. It has a much better chance of kind of helping people to understand that most of what the media calls shark attacks are really not the shark’s fault. They’re really just due to people.

CBC journalist who wrote that piece
There you have it. The CBC whines that there are more White Men named Mike who are featured on shark week than their are trannies of colour. Then they go on to say that pretty much everyone who is ever mauled by a shark totally deserved it. Then they log off, after the day’s work is done, to dilate in peace. The irony is that, with their own logic, the blood and puss released into the water from their oozing neo-vaginas will “provoke” sharks into killing them. In this case it’s entirely deserved.
It’s funny, but these people always criticize the presence of White people in something, anything, anywhere.
But I’ve never seen them criticize israel for being too jewish.
Lmao who the fuck pokes sharks. Grizzly bears and mountain lions are dangerous too, and dumbasses like this alway victim blame any poor bastard who gets mauled by one. Nobody is saying to exterminate the sharks, but it would be ignorant to act as if a bull shark isn’t a dangerous and often aggressive predator.
As usual they are absolutely triggered by white people existing.
Jews now trying to get more gullible goyim killed by sharks by libtarding all over the natural fear of the ocean predators.