Originally published November 29th, 2023.
Yesterday I decided to clear out my bookshelf, donating a sizeable portion of the books to charity. Amongst them was “A Canticle For Leibowitz,” a famous science fiction novel from the fifties. I’d be lying if I said that the first thing that I noticed about the book wasn’t the absolutely fantastic cover. Doomsday books tend to be pretty solid in this regard.
The novel takes place in a post-apocalyptic and highly religious society where there are desert mutants roaming around. The goal of the Order of Leibowitz is to save what could be saved from the past, and rebuild society and civilization anew. If that sounds familiar, it’s because the novel spawned many successors.
Personally, I flipped through the first few pages, bounced off the writing style, and decided to donate it, despite the awesome cover art. I’ll probably read the novel in its entirety at some point. In the meantime I decided to go online and read a synopsis instead.
One thing lead to another, and soon I was reading about the author, Walter Miller. He was an American WW2 Army Air Force radioman and tail gunner, who flew more than fifty bombing missions over Italy. One of which gave him such PTSD that he decided to write one of the most influential science fiction novels of all time.
He took part in the bombing of the Benedictine Abbey at Monte Cassino, which proved a traumatic experience for him. Joe Haldeman reported that Miller “had post-traumatic stress disorder for 30 years before it had a name”, and that Miller displayed a photograph he had taken of [anti-war activist] Ron Kovic prominently in his living room.
Traumatic experience bombing an abbey? What could possibly have caused this Goy to undergo such distress? My friends in Tel Aviv all think that bombing churches is a fun ol’ Friday, to be done just after spitting on Christians.
Wikipedia (Battle of Monte Cassino):
Allied officers increasingly focused on the abbey of Monte Cassino, which was believed to be used as a German artillery observation point. The abbey was presumed to have prevented the breach of the ‘Gustav Line’.
The top part of the image is The Abbey of Monte Cassino, pre (((allied))) bombing. The bottom is post-bombing.
That one angle doesn’t really do this historical and racial crime justice. Here’s another image of the abbey in all its splendour, this time from the interior.
Here it is after The Good Guys got done with it.
What could possibly have caused the morally righteous Good Guy Allied powers to bomb this once beautiful religious site?
The British press and (((C. L. Sulzberger))) of The New York Times wrote about German observation posts and artillery positions inside the abbey, but their claims were not substantiated.[25]
Turns out a bunch of zionist kikels, most prominently a Jew named C. L. Sulzberger of the (((New York Times))), claimed, with no evidence, that one of Europe’s oldest and most beautiful monastery’s was actually a valid military target because the eeebil Natzees were using it as a lookout.

C.L. Sulzberger
As a result of their unsubstantiated claims, this beautiful work of our people was destroyed, which was the actual point all along.
Lieutenant General Jacob L. Devers (deputy to General Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, the Supreme Allied Commander of the Mediterranean Theater), personally observed during a fly-over “a radio mast … German uniforms hanging on a clothesline in the abbey courtyard; [and] machine gun emplacements 50 yards (46 m) from the abbey walls.”[26][nb 1] U.S. II Corps commander Geoffrey Keyes flew over the monastery several times and reported to Fifth Army G-2 that he had not seen evidence of German troops in the abbey. When informed of others’ claims of having seen enemy troops there, he stated, “They’ve been looking so long they’re seeing things.”[28] US Army Artillery Pilot Spotter Hughes Rudd saw German positions at the Abbey.[29]
From every investigation that followed since the event, it is certain that the only people killed in the monastery by the bombing were 230 Italian civilians seeking refuge in the abbey.[42] There is no evidence that the bombs dropped on the Monte Cassino monastery that day killed any German troops. However, given the imprecision of bombing in those days (it was estimated that only 10 percent of the bombs from the heavy bombers, bombing from a high altitude, hit the monastery), bombs did fall elsewhere and kill German and Allied troops alike, although that would have been unintended. Indeed, sixteen bombs hit the Fifth Army compound at Presenzano, 17 miles (27 km) from Monte Cassino, and exploded only yards away from the trailer where Clark was doing paperwork at his desk.[43]
It is now known that the Germans had an agreement not to use the abbey for military purposes.[nb 2] Following its destruction, paratroopers of the German 1st Parachute Division then occupied the ruins of the abbey and turned it into a fortress and observation post, which became a serious problem for the attacking Allied forces.
Sometimes I am too angry to properly write. This is one of those times.

Destruction of the abbey of Monte Cassino
Let’s do a quick recap. There was literally zero evidence that the Germans were using this beautiful monastery to shelter their troops. Even if they were, if the United States of America wasn’t completely occupied by genocidal zionist monsters, it would have been untouchable except with an infantry raid, so as to preserve it’s beauty.
But it wasn’t occupied by an army. Instead, 230 Italian refugees were murdered when ZOG dropped bombs on the monastery, along with many monks who lived there. After the destruction, the abbey, which previously had no military value, suddenly had enormous military value, since it was far easier for the German to hide troops and material in the ruins, and they had better visibility of the surrounding area without the pesky walls everywhere. This lead to more White Men on both sides, including the Americans, being killed in this battle.
That’s a win-win for the Jew York Times and (((C.L. Salzberger))). They destroyed one of our beautiful works of architecture, along with numerous religious artifacts, statues, and other artwork inside, and got even more of our people killed by prolonging the battle for Monte Cassino. That was the purpose. The purpose was mass murder and cultural destruction.
Does this sound familiar to you?
Because I’m getting this weird feeling that I’ve seen this before. Can’t quite put my finger on it.
It’s just the abstract concept of war, Goy. War makes (((monsters))) of us all. Humanity has a dark side, all that. Mass murder and the intentional destruction of historic cultural sites is bad, but what would be worse is if the Goycattle got uppity and started saying things like “maybe Jews should stop with the genocidal mass murder, racial cleansing, and deliberate destruction of culture.”

A Canticle For Leibowitz cover.
I’m not saying that the bombing of the Abbey of Monte Cassino was justified, but Israel has a right to exist you bigot.