Reminder, this is 2017 drama that I somehow completely missed. It’s still a great window into Kosher-Right Gay Ops.
Yesterday we wrote about Ezra Levant’s “Rebel Media,” a grift organization that puts money in Ezra’s pockets through mass email money begging. He was exposed by a grifting homo named Caolan Robertson.
Well apparently just over two full years later Ezra Levant called in his own fag, Milo Yiannopoulos, to hit back at these accusations. Which he does in an article titled: Say Farewell to the Klepto Queens of the British Far-Right.
I just love the idea that Ezra Levant has a whole team of cocksucking queers ready at his beck and call when he needs to do smear operations on the other ravenous boy hungry gentlement he’s hired in the past.
If you’ve ever donated to Tommy Robinson, the British free speech and anti-Islamist activist dubbed the “backbone” of Britain by Steve Bannon, there’s a fair chance your money didn’t end up paying for his tour bus or security guards, but was instead diverted to pay for champagne-fueled gay soirées in some of London’s most expensive zip codes. The culprits? A homosexual couple who produced both of Lauren Southern’s documentary films, and who last month released their own movie, You Can’t Watch This, about free speech.

But… but… they look so trustworthy.
Above is a picture of the gay man Caolan Robertson, and his boyfriend George. George was born as a woman, but now he’s a man. So this gay man is in a relationship with a born woman who now may or may not have a penis for him to suck.
I’m sorry, I can’t even stop this here. His “boyfriend,” was born a woman, but wants to be a man. But ultimately is just getting dick in the ass. Couldn’t she have just gotten dick in the ass without first removing her vagina? Also, what sort of bizarre fetish do you need to have to be attracted to men who were born women? That’s such a specific thing to be attracted to.
Unless it’s the above creature that’s the, uh, “bottom.” Imagine being so fucked up that you’re getting pounded in the ass by a woman pretending to be a man with her brand new shiny fake penis?
Or maybe his “boyfriend,” still has her vagina, and that’s what Caolan is having sex with? Like this guy is just gay for vagina, literally. Maybe you just have to be a man with a vagina to be attractive to Caolan Robertson.
Would you have hired these two perverts? Because Ezra Levant did.
Beyond that, while you’re going to hear a lot of extremely catty homosexual behaviour from Milo, which I 90% believe, at no point does Milo bother debunking the actual claims made in the video, which is that Rebel Media is a grift operation that has stolen money from people through donations multiple times, forced Lauren Southern to lie in order to raise money, and offered these two catty homos 20,000 pounds in “hush money,” Levant’s terms, not mine.
Oh and also Levant gleefully engages in lawfare. He’s a Harmful Racial Stereotype, whether the two homo grifters he hired are Negative Pervert Stereotypes themselves.
More than a dozen former coworkers, friends and acquaintances say Caolan Robertson and George Llewelyn-John bragged to them about these and other betrayals, thefts, frauds and sabotages, including a secret, years-long collaboration with a George Soros-funded far-Left activist group that endangered the lives of Gavin McInnes, this reporter and Tommy himself. Leaked documents, revealed here for the first time, confirm many of the claims. We found that the pair:
‣ Stole Bitcoin worth $20,000 from Tommy Robinson, while the activist was in jail, to fund their jet-set lifestyle
‣ Booked a luxury Airbnb and bought six bottles of Dom Pérignon champagne on Tommy Robinson’s wife’s credit card
‣ Swapped camera equipment worth thousands of dollars for second-hand models they found on eBay
‣ Worked with Hope not Hate, an Antifa-affiliated far-Left organization, for years
‣ Defrauded Alex Jones with inflated expense claims
‣ Risked the life of Tommy Robinson by sharing his location with Hope not Hate
‣ Risked the life of Gavin McInnes by sharing his travel itinerary with the same group
‣ Circulated a fake “email leak” about Milo Yiannopoulos, doxing his husband—while being paid by Yiannopoulos’s tour operator for PR work
‣ Defrauded Lauren Southern with inflated invoices—while being paid by her to produce a documentary
‣ Defrauded rental companies by failing to return equipment and returning inferior models and broken units
‣ Made a fake rape claim against a far-Left activist
‣ Bragged about having TV shows canceled with bogus suicide threats
‣ Doctored their clients’ videos to embarrass them, including pitch shifting male voices upward
‣ Gloated about their exploits while showering far-Left activists with gifts, food and drinks at London’s most expensive hotels—paid for by the conservatives they were working with
‣ Shared their misdeeds with Lauren Southern, who laughed and egged them on
‣ Disavowed Southern and Robinson when we challenged them about their crimes, claiming they’d been ‘radicalized’ by the far right online
A homo and his tranny boyfriend would be working with Antifa. My level of shawk here is just unbelievable. A level of shocked that, quite frankly, shouldn’t even be possible.
Oh wait that’s why you shouldn’t hire these kinds of people if you’re running a real news organization. Which is why Levant did hire them, because he’s running a grift operation and having these types of people is precisely what you want when running that kind of thing. Normal people, like Lauren Southern and others, are going to occasionally raise a stink about how much of a parasite Levant is, so he seeks out twink talent wherever possible.
Although “made up a fake rape claim against a far-Left activist,” is hilarious, and I totally avow. It also runs counter to fudgepacker Milo Yiannopoulos’ claim that they’re working with Antifa types, if they’re literally trying to get them sent to jail with made up rape accusations. But remember, Milo himself is an AIDS ridden catty homophile.
So Milo is basically just throwing a lot of shit at the wall and hoping something sticks. I’m sure the financial corruption is true. Not so much making up false rape accusations of antifas.
Those close to the pair say that their most recent full-time employer, Lauren Southern, knew about a lot of what they were up to—and even met with Hope not Hate herself. Former friends of the couple claim that Southern kept Robertson and Llewelyn-John on her payroll, even after she suspected they may have defrauded her to the tune of thousands of dollars. Astonishingly, she even allowed herself to be drawn in to their subterfuges. Southern met secretly with representatives of Hope not Hate, as leaked audio of a phone call with Tommy Robinson, published here for the first time, confirms.
Above is Lauren Southern. Or rather, this is what her face looked like in high school. Below is her face now that it comes with a warranty.
At the risk of sounding like a catty homosexual myself, notice the nose, goyim. That’s someone else’s nose on sweet Lauren’s face.
Personally I think she migrated from a “sweet teenage heartthrob,” to “high priced escort,” and I’d be lying if I wouldn’t get my dick wet in either case. Let’s check in on Lauren’s sister Jess for a second here.
Yeah she’s pretty cute too.
According to testimony from former coworkers, Robertson and Llewelyn-John’s number one client, Tommy Robinson, discovered most of their wrongdoing when he came out of prison in September 2018 to discover that tens of thousands of dollars had been stolen. Tommy had previously heard rumors and observed character flaws, but offered the pair chance after chance to mend their ways. This story is the first time he has commented on the record about the couple’s misdeeds. He now acknowledges that they are beyond saving. “They’re fraudsters,” he bluntly admits, regretting that he gave the couple so many opportunities for redemption.
You may remember Tommy Robinson as the guy who claimed he was going to make a documentary on White English girls being raped by Muslim gangs. He started getting donations in 2018 from desperate working class English People, and then… never made that documentary. But he did make a documentary called “Shalom,” about some rich jew who claimed to be really persecuted in England for no reason at all.
Needless to say, actual English People were not particularly amused by this behaviour.
I think it was later found that Robinson was handled by some “Australian” jew named Avi Yemen or something like that, who was also a coke addict. With that in mind it’s no surprise why Robinson gave the homo-tranny boyfriend thingfriend team second chance after second chance. They probably had some dirt on him, which is why Levant offered them “hush money,” to not talk about it.
After reviewing tranches of leaked documents and screenshots, footage, audio recordings and interviews, we present here, for the first time, an account not only of breathtaking disloyalty but also outright criminality from Robertson and Llewelyn-John. The question hanging over the pair’s misdeeds now is: How much did Lauren Southern know?
I dunno catty homo, why don’t you tell us? But he’s gonna not do that and pretend to be building suspense.
Robertson was hired full-time by Levant after claiming he’d been fired from his previous job for appearing in public with Tommy Robinson. But Levant says he didn’t do the usual checks on new employees: He saw an enthusiastic, talented young guy who was doing polished work, and took a chance on him. He did the same with Llewelyn-John: No interview, no background check. He now bitterly regrets the punt. “I think their Achilles heel is financial fraud,” he responded by text message when asked to comment on his experiences. “Padded invoices, false invoices, and so on. But it would take [one of] their victims … to move against them.
Uh no, they literally look like this. Imagine you yourself hiring these two people AND NOT DOING BACKGROUND CHECKS ON THEM.
Ezra Levant apparently has an “I’m being blackmailed,” YouTube video up, referenced in the article Milo “AIDS is a way of life” Yiannopoulos writes. I’ll put it here, but it deserves its own article, so I’ll save analysis for later.
For now all I’ll say is that Levant starts the video off by making extremely moist sounding swallow sounds. It’s quite disgusting, and I found myself distracted. Also, the above video is not on Levant’s channel, it’s from Mark Braithwaite. Rebel Media does still have a YouTube channel, discrediting in and of itself I would say, but this video is not available on their channel.

Channel still up as of 11/26/2021
Milo embeds the video in his article. Yet that video is unavailable, despite the channel itself being uncensored.
I will also say that Levant never actually sued the two homos, despite them making seemingly defamatory statements about The Rebel stealing money from their audience.
It’s likely he took the video down himself as soon as no one was looking.
It soon emerged that the pair were planning to set up their own media company, launching it off the back of scandal by claiming that they had “quit” Rebel Media over “ethical concerns.” “Caolan and George threatened to say we were pocketing [donors’] money,” Levant revealed. They also, most disturbingly, said they had video footage of Tommy Robinson confessing to an assault, and that they would release it unless they were paid even more money. Levant signed another contract to buy their silence, for Tommy’s sake, without finding out if the footage even existed. Levant and Tommy Robinson both contributed to the settlement. The footage, since released, was of a minor, insignificant public altercation.
And then the couple announced that they were proceeding with the release of the footage anyway, having secretly recorded every conversation they’d had with Levant and Tommy Robinson up to that point—including conversations concerning what Levant not unreasonably termed “hush money.” That was the final straw for the Rebel founder, who sought legal advice and released a statement before the pair could leak whatever dirt they’d concocted from their covert recordings. Robertson’s retaliatory video, in which he accuses Levant of misdirecting donor funds, garnered over 330,000 views on YouTube.
Wow it’s almost like you should do background checks on people, especially homophiles, to make sure that they aren’t gonna do shit like RECORD EVERY CONVERSATION THEY HAVE WITH YOU FOR BLACKMAIL. Or in Milo’s case, encourage homos to “have sex,” with 14 year old boys.
But remember, The Rebel is a grift operation. The personality types that are willing to grift off the desperate public hoping for change are the exact same people willing to do this kind of shit to their employers.
Levant has to ride a real knife’s edge when it comes to employee sociopathy. Too sociopathic, and he gets Caolan Robertson types who outgrift him. Too earnest, and he ends up getting people like Lauren Southern who, while not 1488 ready, are going to do actual journalism and try to do actual politics.
BTW, Lauren Southern isn’t even not a grifter. She’s just a very mild grifter, who wants to make a career out of doing within-the-rules journalism. And you know this, because while many of her takes are bad, sometimes she does actual journalism that is USEFUL to people who want to do real politics. Unlike Ezra Levant, who is a malicious actor 100% of the way through and through.
The sad truth is that Southern could fairly easily be the number 1 Cuckservative outlet on YouTube, simply by being moderately hot. (((Rebel Media))) basically didn’t cover the grave hoax at all. They barely covered the church burnings either, since the natural Goy response to that would be too strong for him to control. Southern also went and documented the murders of White South African farmers.
I don’t believe that Southern is secretly /OurGirl, but she has consistently done real journalism that is actually useful. And while she was doing that, Ezra Levant was going on about Justin Trudeau wearing blackface.
In contrast, what has AIDS ridden faggot Milo ever done in terms of real journalism? What has Paul Joseph Watson done? What has Ezra Levant done? Absolutely fucking nothing.
I think a lot of people don’t realize how utterly narcissistic and evil you need to be to produce the above type of content. And how evil you need to be to be a part of Rebel Media, scamming people who are desperate for political change out of money.
Above is from a Rebel News video four years ago showing the audience being tired of the petition stuff. As we detailed earlier, the business model they have is to make videos getting people angry, get them to sign petitions, then send their email addresses emails asking for donations.
Again, Southern is self-interested, don’t get lightswitched brained on this. She’s just a decent enough person to not be 100% grifter, unlike Milo and Levant. Keep that in mind when reading the next part by this catty homo.
Southern, famously, writes very little of her own material, and has often embarked on sexual liaisons with men who have helped her with video scripts or notes for her content. While giving speeches about the “trad life,” which typically refers to fidelity in same-race nuclear families, Southern was, in the indelicate words of one major YouTuber, “throwing herself around what seemed like the entire conservative movement in exchange for help with her writing.” We approached four of the men she has been linked to romantically, each of them a prominent Right-wing media figure in a position to help Southern succeed professionally. All four begged not to be named in this story.
An early example of the Southern sex-for-ghostwriting phenomenon is Breitbart reporter Allum Bokhari, with whom Southern began a short sexual relationship in Los Angeles in late 2015. She cut off contact in typically abrupt fashion, leaving Bokhari heartbroken for over a year, during which time associates of hers made embarrassing secret recordings of Bokhari as leverage, in case he ever considered revealing their intimate encounters. This author acquired copies of those recordings at the time, and retains them to this day. There is no suggestion that Southern and Llewelyn-John, who used to identify as transgender, had a physical relationship.
“Lauren Southern is basically a whore. No I don’t have any evidence for that, it’s just super well known. It’s well known, but also nobody knows about it so look at this news.”
The above is basically homosexuality in a nutshell. I am not here to defend Lauren Southern, but wow. Exactly the kind of gossipy annoying shit that makes faggots so intolerable for any length of time.
I mean really, imagine having this guy around you, not just for a party, but as a part of your life for years. Imagine how fucking annoying he would be.
I’ll confess that compared to traditional cuckservative grifters Milo was at least somewhat entertaining. I won’t say charismatic, but entertaining. But even as an entertainer I couldn’t imagine spending a lot of time even watching Milo content. The guy was the definition of a twitter rockstar, where he’s at his best with some 140 character feminine snipe, and it’s all downhill from there.
That’s pretty funny, but is basically all he’s good for. Being a medium-high quality troll.
“I’m not surprised about allegations of betrayal of those who considered her a friend and ally in the conservative movement,” added investigative reporter Laura Loomer, who has been following the controversy closely, and who says she was falsely accused of sexual assault by Southern. “I know to my cost how vindictive and malicious she can be when it comes to maligning her perceived competition. It’s a shame that her quest for fame and fortune overrode loyalty to those who facilitated the rise in her career.”
Wait, Laura Loomer?
Loomer is a Jew who, in addition to having a fetish for Aryan Men, became the laughingstock of the internet in 2017 when she invented a hoax about her tire being slashed by some antifa. Some autists found out it was a blowout from having extremely old, underinflated tires, and everybody started making fun of her.
Loomer even went so far as to make a procure a document that purportedly showed her tire being slashed.
But then people realized it was all her handwriting on the document.
It might be unpopular in our circles, but I’ve always loved Laura Loomer AND her nose. I’ve never watched any of her stuff, but I’m glad that people like her exist. She makes the world a more interesting place.
Anyway, Milo is done with his homophiliac attack on Lauren Southern, and we’re back to his recounting of how the young twinks got his dick hard.
On first meeting, Caolan is charming and insouciant. He gossips incautiously about anyone and everyone and asks lots of prurient questions, which makes for gripping dinner conversation.
You wouldn’t notice, until the second or third day, his tells. He struggles to make eye contact for any length of time, and careens abruptly between halting physical affection and studied nonchalance after three or four drinks. He’s an ultracrepidarian, holding forth on subjects of which he has little to no knowledge or intellectual curiosity. But I can see why people enjoy his company. A bottle of booze is all it takes, and you get hours of salacious, loose-lipped gossip about anyone and everyone.
JFC Milo quit being gay for one fucking second. Well apparently he is currently pretending not to be gay anymore but I mean…
Well actually that needs its own article.
As he got progressively more inebriated over a seafood platter at the Trump Doral golf course the day after the dinner, he confided that he did not have sex with his boyfriend George more than once a year, and described himself as an alcoholic. I had already figured out at least one of those facts. A dysfunctional picture was emerging. The more Robertson drinks, the more he begins to brag about his sabotages and insider status. With each gulp, his inner egomaniac, amoral and gloating, further asserts itself. My editorial assistant, whom Robertson did not know was also in the restaurant with us, made recordings of our conversations. It was obvious to all of us that Robertson was unstable and untrustworthy. “Textbook sociopath,” concluded my producer. “Watch yourself and watch everything you say.”
I’m sorry Milo is this some internal monologue that we’re all hearing right now?
I mean he’s literally whining about Robertson secretly recording people while bragging about secretly recording people. And Milo is such a homosexual attention seeker that he’s pretending to not be homo to get more attention.
Like this but for perverts.
The answer is both.
If you’re wondering how Caolan Robertson ended up this way, there are some clues lurking on the internet.
He’s a faggot Milo.
In footage released by British broadcaster Channel 4 in April 2014, as part of a show about young people in debt, Robertson says: “I’ve never been one of those people who go on about, oh, I’m born to be a star, or anything like that, that’s really cringey. I just like to be around people with money and have loads of fun.” He pauses, before adding: “We haven’t had champagne in, like, three days. It’s horrendous. I’m starting to get withdrawal symptoms.”
This literally sounds exactly like what Milo said.
Robertson, who was a student at the time, goes on to brazenly describe his lust for fame and how he borrowed thousands of pounds to shoot an online reality show about himself and his friends partying in “five star hotels, pools, restaurants and bars” in various northern British cities. “The way that I paid for all the hotels and all the luxury lifestyle stuff was just through, like, other people’s money, through credit card companies, loans, payday loans and stuff like that,” Robertson divulges. “I’m in, like, £5,000 ($6,400) worth of debt. £5,000 isn’t really that much anyway. We made the most of it.”
Yeah where have we heard that story before Milo?
It’s unlikely, say friends, that Robertson and Llewelyn-John produce conservative content as a smokescreen to mask covert Left-wing sabotage operation. “It’s not that strategic. I think Caolan just craves the attention,” said one former friend, who asked not to be named.
Wow, a homo taking up edgy politics to get attention. Where has this happened before?
Early footage of Robertson styling himself as an online celebrity is excruciating to watch—even for him. “I was a terrible person,” he admits. “Really arrogant.” When his online popularity began to fizzle as his looks faded, he looked for someone with more sustainable star power to keep him peripheral to fame.
I know this article should have ended about 1,000 words ago, but I’m just baffled at this bizarre catty homo. He includes a picture of Caolan putting on a small amount of weight, with the caption “Robertson’s weight gain has been dramatic.” You know what, I have to include that.
I mean… why? I guess in 2019 Milo was still being homosexual. Or rather, he was yet to start pretending to not be homosexual. But even still, this article is about financial fraud and this guy’s going on about a man in his early 20’s aging out of hotness. Keep in mind, Caolan was born in 1995. He was 24 when this article is written, and Milo is already writing about how he’s too old for him.
Robertson’s recent media appearances are a far cry from the slim, boyish good looks the video producer hoped would propel him into lasting internet fame.
JFC Milo please stop.
When I met him in 2018, the decline was already setting in. He was careful with camera angles to hide his freshly-acquired jowls.
Please Milo oh my god.
Despite the ferocious Miami heat, he wore loose, shapeless hoodies and refused to take them off, even as his forehead glistened with sweat. These days, he can’t hide the ravages of half a decade of heavy boozing.
Thankfully this is the last of it.
You know I’m only halfway through this article, and I’m not sure I’m going to make it. I’m calling it quits here because I just can’t take it any longer.
Everybody in this story, Lauren Southern, Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Ezra Levant, Caolan Robertson, the tranny boyfriend George, I’m just sick of reading about these people. We need to make a fucking tier list video to keep track of these grifters.
That’s it, I’m done.
Imagine my surprise when I found out Milo is basically doing infomercials now and flogging merch for a Catholic organization called ‘Church Militant’ founded and run by, wait for it, another homosexual alleged Catholic.
I mean, I could totally see them stealing donation money to finance their gay lifestyle… But then I find it equally plausible that Ezra could have pocketed the money, and then pinned its theft on a couple of disposable diversity-hire underlings. I don’t really care though. I think all of these people are equally awful, so it doesn’t matter to me who got ripped off.