I like Mark Collett. I don’t really follow any of his stuff closely, but I like what he’s building with Patriotic Alternative. Apparently he does some video work with Jason “White While Peeing” Kohne.
The video above is fairly recent. The two were asked the following question, aimed at Kohne:
Is the biggest problem that we have as White Nationalists that people don’t understand the JQ.
Kohne gives this as a response.
Is the biggest problem that not enough people understand the JQ? No the biggest problem is asking a question like that. You should be focused on our people and defending our people from all threats.
In case there’s someone here who’s new to this. You do not get to do White Advocacy without talking about jews, for two reasons. First, the most powerful anti-White organizations, like the ADL for instance, are not just vaguely jew controlled organizations but explicit jew groups. The ADL controls what you are or are not allowed to say online, and they were founded to get a jew, Leo Frank, who raped and murdered a 13 year old White Girl named Mary Phagan, off without charges.
I’m sorry, goy, but that’s an anti-White hate group, then and now.
No, you do not need to go around talking about how every single heeb on the entire planet needs to be put into a blender and turned into a milkshake for thirsty Aryan Children. Or as Kohne would say Westerkids. But yes, you absolutely do need to explain how you are going to deal with jew power more broadly. This false dichotomy that Kohne portrays, where you either never talk about jews, or you start talking about how you want to murder every last heeb on the planet, absolutely needs to die.
Tucker Carlson has attacked (((The ADL))). Andrew Torba has attacked the ADL, and even called them a “jewish supremacist group,” although I can’t find those gabs because that site is, even in late 2021, basically unusable. Carlson and Torba don’t even pretend to be as hardcore pro-White activists as Kohne does. But I guess Tucker Carlson and Andrew Torba are “monomaniacally focused on jews,” and have, by criticizing the ADL, made everybody think that they’re genocidal monsters.

Pictured: Genocidal monsters who I’d like to marry.
As another example of why it is so important to directly attack these Schlomos on a racial level we have the Tale of Ben and Jerry’s. An ice cream brand run by supposedly “left-wing,” activists who turned out to be jew nationalist violent racial cleansing enthusiasts.
A story in 4 parts.
Ask about
Zionism and
So the first reason why you do not get to avoid talking about Schlomo, is that you’re going to be viciously attacked by said Schlomos. The second reason, is that pointing out their specifically jewy hypocrisy actually makes defending Whitey far easier.
The argument you use when some hooked nosed kike starts talking about how immigration restriction is evil and you’re just a xenophobic bigot is “aren’t you a jew nationalist Israel supporter?” “How many children did jew nationalists like you murder in the latest round of violent racial cleansing in East Jerusalem?”
The very same institutions that are flooding your country with the filth of the world are jew nationalist violent racial cleansing supporting institutions. Whether that be The ADL, or some other alphabet soup jew org. And that’s true even if the politician isn’t a jew themselves, because they get money from jew nationalist violent racial cleansing enthusiast orgs to do whatever they want. Anyone telling you otherwise is just a liar.
But it actually goes beyond that, and ties into our series on good propaganda. There are two goals of propaganda, changing the viewers mind, and getting them to do specific actions.
Kohne touched on something almost true, people can sometimes have hangups about truthful statements on Schlomo. The younger they are the better they’ll respond, but I’ll grant the premise. Except that Kohne’s only valid job as somebody who just does YouTube vids is very specifically changing people’s minds. He’s supposed to do what the DailyStormer was actually doing from 2013-2017 and what TRS does to this day and totally desensitize his audience to any psychological triggers that have been instilled into them.
For real example of this, go watch the following video a fan on TRS made from an article I wrote, which you can read here.
White While Peeing is not a political party. Go Pee is not an activist organization. As cliche’d as the term has become, his sole valid job is to “redpill da normies.” But Kohne makes absolute sure to avoid coming even remotely close to doing that. Because Kohne is just here to have a YouTube grift.
Continuing on his video we see yet another great self-own from Kohne.
The White anti-Whites from within. Uh uh uh everyone knows the old adage. The easiest way to be defeated is to have someone to throw the gates open from within.
That’s a great point Kohne. That’s why it’s so important that we make sure to always fight hard against these hooked nosed, beady eyed White Liberals with dual citizenship to Israel who keep “betraying us,” from within.
Collett jumps in and points out excellent work by many authors pointing out jews being behind certain anti-White hate groups and movements. The first example he gives is David Duke’s The Secret Behind Communism, a book I have not read but can predict points out massive jew involvement and over-representation in communist groups. These are important works.
Kohne then starts whining again:
The issue is the monomaniacal focus on a particular group as the cause of all of our victimization. As though, if you could just snap your fingers and they would go to someplace much more wonderful, let’s say another earth somewhere that’s better than ours. As though suddenly everything would be good for us and –
At this point Collett outright cuts him off and says the following:
I’ll ask you one question Jason. If the jewish people who are within the media, the press, and the government, and hold such sway in society allowed White People to advocate for and supported White People advocating for what they advocate for their own people in the Middle East, would we have an easier time, and would we be in such a mess?
Pre-supposes in your statement that other anti-Whites would allows us to advocate –
Collett cuts him off again:
No no no, I didn’t say that. I said if jews in the media, who overwhelmingly advocate for the state of israel, which is an ethnostate, and allowed us to advocate for the same thing and supported our advocation for White Ethnostates, European ethnostates, as they support a jewish ethnostate in Israel, would our task be easier if their hypocrisy wasn’t present.
And Kohne responds:
It’d be the same for every anti-White group.
Screenshots don’t do justice to Collett’s face here. There’s a moment where he’s just stunned, before shaking his head and saying:
It’s a yes or no Jason.
No that’s a pidgeonholing question. Let’s say anti-White arabs.
But Arabs don’t have a huge sway in the government, the media, etcetera.

“The fuck’s this goof going on about Arabs for?”
The exchange continues, with Collett repeatedly pressing Kohne, and White While Peeing routinely drifting off into non-sequitur land. And it shows the difference between someone who has actually spent hard years doing activism, in Collett, and a grifting piece of shit who wants the conversation to be over in case something happens that gets his YouTube channel taken down, in Kohne.
People who face actual oppression start to make lists of names of the people who are oppressing them start to notice that a massive number of these people are jews. And people who care about fighting against this oppression start to think about strategies for dealing with these jew nationalist and frankly jew supremacist organizations, such as the ADL. The number one strategy that always works is to aggressively focus on their hypocrisy.
As an example of this, I use the term jew nationalist constantly, because it helps show how malicious these jew nationalist groups are when they support migrants into White People’s countries. I would actually use the term “malicious,” instead of hypocritical. Because it’s not like Schlomo believes in the principle of nationalism or whatever. They believe, as the chief rabbi of Israel said “goyim were born to serve we the people of Israel.” All of their “arguments,” are actually just tactics designed for them to get an advantage over you.
Back to the video, which is hilarious. After Kohne repeatedly talks about every other group except jews, Collett finally says:
I’m not understanding what you’re trying to get at here. It’s almost like you’re trying to dodge the question.
Well the assumption is that only jews-
No, I didn’t say that.
It just keeps on going. On and on he babbles about imaginary Chinese People who are anti-White and insinuates that Collett is advocating for replacing jews with anti-White Arabs or something. It’s incredibly stupid.
Finally it ends with Collett appearing to realize that White While Peeing will never talk about jews, no matter how retarded the avoidance of the question makes him look, and they agree that golly gosh darnit it would be really nice if the jews in Hollywood stopped being so anti-White.
Imagine you were trapped on a life raft with Kohne and a few other people, and you drifted 200 meters from shore but no closer. So you all start thinking about how you might test for saltwater crocodiles or sharks. And you start discussing strategies.
And then Kohne starts rambling on like “well I’m worried about ALL threats that face westerchildren, and not this monomaniacal focus on sharks specifically.” And he goes on to explain that falling tree branches can kill people and also flesh eating bacteria. Birds kill a surprising number of people each year. And dogs are a serious problem in some major metropolitan areas. Hell, sometimes people die of heart attacks and other diseases so we have to focus on the enemy within.
And then this discussion continues for the next 10 minutes with the other passengers on the raft wondering why this faggot refuses to talk about sharks. And finally, everyone agrees that it would be really nice if the saltwater crocodiles and sharks decided that they didn’t want to eat them.
Mark Collett is someone who wants to swim through the treacherous and dangerous waters to get actual political victories for White People. Go Pee just wants to sit comfortable on his raft, eating other people’s food while promising them salvation.
I promised to do a breakdown of funny and stupid YouTube videos NWG has made, but ultimately, this was so important that it got its own post. The YouTube LOLcow gets milked next time.
Collett knows exactly what kind of jew apologist grifting faggot Kohne is and he should have booted him a long time ago. Henrik gets no points from that equivocating bullshit deflection either.
[…] focused on cuckservative grifters, like Fuentes, ramzpaul, and kohne. I don’t think I’ve been wrong to do that, but there’s something uniquely […]
[…] get to see that the replacement part 8 saw Kohne cucking hard on the JQ. He did that again in part 10, while pissing off Mark […]
Where does the anti-White ideology come from, Jason? Does it spring up out of the ground? Why are these anti-White race-traitors and non-White lumpen-shabbos promoted to positions of power? You KNOW the fucking answers to these questions, but you’d rather make a nickel instead of tell the truth. You are the scum of the earth, Khone, even lower than the kikes!
At first what he is saying seems rational, that if you fixate on the JQ with respect to the normie perspective, you are simply categorized as a cartoon nazi, but he takes that notion and essentially turns it into his entire political identity – Talk about ‘white wellbeing’ but absolutely do not, under any circumstances, EVER mention a particular group of people that does the most to oppose ‘white wellbeing’.
I give NWG some credit that he was a stop on my political journey, but he is willfully stuck in a rut to the point that it doesn’t even make sense anymore. Why appear on a weekly program with the most infamous National Socialist still active in the UK, clearly hold antisemitic views, but do everything in your power to censor your antisemitism and actively encourage others to do the same? So you can keep milking superchats on your 5 hour streams.